WOD - Class Programming

Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Wednesday, May 15


OHS 5 x 3-6 reps 55-75% of 3RM - OT2M

Push Press 5 x 3-6 reps 55-75% of 3RM - OT2M

Clean Deadlifts 5 x 3-6 reps 55-75% of 3RM - OT2M

Suggested build up:

Set 1 - 55%

Set 2 - 60%

Set 3 - 65%

Set 4 - 70%

Set 5 - 75%


3-5 sets of Strict or Banded or Weighted Pull-Ups 1-6 reps 



5 Rounds for consistent times - OT2M 

0:00 - Run 200m 

2:00 - Row 200/250m 

4:00 - Bike 12/15 Cals 

6:00 - Rest 

*Work should take less than 1 minute per movement, scale distance or calories to stay with within that time frame. The goal of the session is to keep your times as close as possible to the previous rounds. So, pace for 30 minutes instead of 1 minute.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Friday, May 10


Find a 10 rep (TECHNICAL) Max of: 

DB Hang or KB Snatch 

DB or KB Jerk 

DB Hang or KB Clean


Light Weight 5 Reps 

Medium Weight 5 Reps 

Heavy Weight 5 Reps 

10TRM Attempt Wight Heavy Weight 



For Time: 

Big Post Run


Post Run 60% 

Post Run 80% 

Post Run 100% 

*Coach will be standing next to the big pole at the top of the hill, Athletes will be at the base of the hill, next to the gym mailbox standing on the road. Using a stopwatch the Coach will time each athlete one at a time. The athlete will place their hand against the mailbox pole, on their own accord they will sprint to the top of the hill, timer will stop when the athlete touches the big pole at the top of the hill. The coach will start the timer when the athletes hand leave the mailbox pole.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Friday, May 3


Farmer Carry 

50’ each 




Max Attempt 

Max Attempt 

*5-6 Sets Total. 

(Use Famer Handles, Hex Bars, DBs or KBs) 



For time: 

Row 500m 

Run 400m 

Bike 20/15 cals 


Jerk - heavy single 

3 - 50% 

2 - 60% 

1 - 70% 

1 - 80% 

1 - 90% 

1 - 100% 

Strict toes to bar

1-2 sets of 1-2 reps then: 


Max, unbroken set. Log your score.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Wednesday, May 1


Heavy Single! 

Back Squat 

55% / 5

65% / 3

75% / 2

85% / 1

95% / 1

105% / 1 



“Pina colada”

4 rounds for time 

20/15 cal row 

12 hang clean 115/75


Clean - heavy single 

3 - 50% 

2 - 60% 

1 - 70% 

1 - 80% 

1 - 90% 

1 - 100% 

strict ring dips -

1-2 sets of 1-2 reps then: 


Max, unbroken set. Log your score.

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