WOD - Class Programming

Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Friday, June 7


Find a 10 rep (TECHNICAL) Max of: 

DB Hang or KB Snatch 

DB or KB Jerk 

DB Hang or KB Clean


Light Weight 5 Reps 

Medium Weight 5 Reps 

Heavy Weight 5 Reps 

10TRM Attempt Wight Heavy Weight 


For Time: 

Big Post Run


Post Run 60% 

Post Run 80% 

Post Run 100% 

*Coach will be standing next to the big pole at the top of the hill, Athletes will be at the base of the hill, next to the gym mailbox standing on the road. Using a stopwatch the Coach will time each athlete one at a time. The athlete will place their hand against the mailbox pole, on their own accord they will sprint to the top of the hill, timer will stop when the athlete touches the big pole at the top of the hill. The coach will start the timer when the athletes hand leave the mailbox pole.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Saturday, June 1

Community WOD 

AMRAP 25: 

10 Rope Climbs 

30 Box Jumps 24/30” 

Run 800m *Together 

*Split everything except the run. 

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Friday, May 31


Use 10TRM For All Sections

5 rounds 

0:00 - 5 Snatch Left 

0:30 - 5 Snatch Right 

Rest 2:00 

5 rounds 

0:00 - 5 Jerks Left 

0:30 - 5 Jerks right 

Rest 2:00 

5 Rounds 

0:00 - 5 Cleans Left 

0:30 - 5 Cleans Right 

*DB Snatch and Clean are done from the hang position.


Big Post Run

1 x 50% Effort 

1 x 60% Effort 

1 x 70% Effort 

4-6 x 80% Effort 

*Walk back down, rest until completely recovered, this is for speed and power, NOT conditioning.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Wednesday, May 29


OHS 5 x 3-6 reps 50-80% of 3RM - OT2M

Push Press 5 x 3-6 reps 50-80% of 3RM - OT2M

Clean Deadlifts 5 x 3-6 reps 50-80% of 3RM - OT2M

Strict or Banded or Weighted Pull-Ups 1-6 reps OT2M

*Suggested Build-up 

50% / 3-6 

60% / 3-6

70% / 3-6 

75% / 3-6 

80% / 3-6 



5 Rounds OT2M 

0:00 - Run 200m 

2:00 - Row 200/250m 

4:00 - Bike 12/15 Cals 

6:00 - Rest 

*Work should take less than 1 minute per movement, scale distance or calories to stay with within that time frame.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Monday, May 27

Memorial Day


For Time: 

Run 1 Mile 

100 Pull-ups 

200 Push-ups 

300 Air Squats 

Run 1 Mile 

*Solo or with a buddy! 

*Partition reps as you wish, but runs stay the same.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Saturday, May 25

Community WOD 

For time: 

300 Double Unders 

150 Sit-ups 

100 KB SDLHP 53/70lb 

150 Sit-Ups 

300 Double Unders 

*split everything with a buddy.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Friday, May 24


Use 10TRM For All Sections

5 rounds 

0:00 - 5 Snatch Left 

0:30 - 5 Snatch Right 

Rest 2:00 after all 5 rounds

5 rounds 

0:00 - 5 Jerks Left 

0:30 - 5 Jerks right 

Rest 2:00 after all 5 rounds

5 Rounds 

0:00 - 5 Cleans Left 

0:30 - 5 Cleans Right 

*DB Snatch and Clean are done from the hang position.


Big Post Run

1 x 50% Effort 

1 x 60% Effort 

1 x 70% Effort 

3-5 x 80% Effort 

*Walk back down, rest until completely recovered, this is for speed and power, NOT conditioning. 

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Wednesday, May 22


OHS 5 x 3-6 reps 50-80% of 3RM - OT2M

Push Press 5 x 3-6 reps 50-80% of 3RM - OT2M

Clean Deadlifts 5 x 3-6 reps 50-80% of 3RM - OT2M

Strict or Banded or Weighted Pull-Ups 1-6 reps OT2M

*Suggested Build-up 

50% / 3-6 

60% / 3-6

70% / 3-6 

75% / 3-6 

80% / 3-6 



5 Rounds OT2M 

0:00 - Run 200m 

2:00 - Row 200/250m 

4:00 - Bike 12/15 Cals 

6:00 - Rest 

*Work should take less than 1 minute per movement, scale distance or calories to stay with within that time frame.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Monday, May 20


8 sets of 3 Power Snatches on the 1:15 Minute 60-75% Of 3rm Snatch 

8 sets of 1 Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks on the 1:15 Minute 60-75% Of 3rm C&J 

8 sets of 1 Full Clean + 2 Front Squats on the 1:15 Minute 60-70% Of 3rm C&J 



8 Rounds For Max Reps 

:25 Kettlebell Swings 

:50 Rest 

8 Rounds For Max Reps

:25 Wall Balls 

:50 Rest 

8 Rounds For Max Reps

:25 Burpees 

:50 rest 

Clock Setup For Class = 

24 Rounds 

L1 = :25 

L2 = :50

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Friday, May 17


Use 10TRM For All Sections

5 rounds 

0:00 - 5 Snatch Left 

0:30 - 5 Snatch Right 

Rest 2:00 

5 Rounds 

Rest 2:00 

5 rounds 

0:00 - 5 Jerks Left 

0:30 - 5 Jerks right 

Rest 2:00 

5 Rounds 

0:00 - 5 Cleans Left 

0:30 - 5 Cleans Right 


Big Post Run

1 x 50% Effort 

1 x 60% Effort 

1 x 70% Effort 

4-6 x 80% Effort 

*Walk back down, rest until completely recovered, this is for speed and power, NOT conditioning.

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