Monday, May 20
8 sets of 3 Power Snatches on the 1:15 Minute 60-75% Of 3rm Snatch
8 sets of 1 Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks on the 1:15 Minute 60-75% Of 3rm C&J
8 sets of 1 Full Clean + 2 Front Squats on the 1:15 Minute 60-70% Of 3rm C&J
8 Rounds For Max Reps
:50 Rest
8 Rounds For Max Reps
:25 Wall Balls
:50 Rest
8 Rounds For Max Reps
:25 Burpees
:50 rest
Clock Setup For Class =
24 Rounds
L1 = :25
L2 = :50