WOD - Class Programming
Friday, November 15
Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm schizophrenic, and so am I.
2 sets, not for time of:
2 minutes of rowing, biking or jogging
30 seconds of banded marching
10 hip & back extensions
10 squats (squat therapy style) (see video below)
1 x Burgener Warm Up with empty bar (45/35)
Overhead Squat 8-8-8-8-8
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.
Athlete Instructions
Super Fitness Robot time / rounds:
65% 1RM or more
More Likely time / rounds: (consider scaling if this seems unrealistic)
45% 1RM or more
Movement Demos
Part I:
Bulgarian Split Squat 24-24-24-24
Athlete Instructions
8-12 reps per leg.
Movement Demos
4x 2:00 Turkish Get-Ups
Movement Demos
Part II:
Sots Press 8-8-8-8
Athlete Instructions
4 Sets of 5-8 reps.
Movement Demos
Handstand Work:
Accumulate 1:00 of HS Hold or HS practice per round (wall walk, OH hold, HS descents, kipping HSPU)
Cool Down
Wall Shoulder Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Kneeling Lay Back
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Thursday, November 14
Baseball is ninety percent mental. The other half is physical.
Min.1: 45 seconds of rowing (roughly @50% effort), biking or running
Min.2: 5-10 Burpees
Min.3: 45 seconds of rowing (roughly @60% effort)
Min.4: 5-10 Burpees
Min.5: 45 seconds of rowing (roughly @70% effort)
Min.6: 5-10 Burpees
Min.7: 45 seconds of rowing (roughly @80% effort)
Min.8: 5-10 Burpees
Double Unders: 4 x 1 min / 1 min
1 min of work followed by 1 min of rest for 4 intervals.
Score is the lowest reps performed in any of the intervals.
Athlete Instructions
Your score is the lowest number of reps in any minute. (If not proficient with double-unders yet, you can work in the same fashion with single-unders OR, for 4 Rounds, you can do 1’ of practice followed by 1’ of rest.
Movement Demos
Each for time:
Row: 5x 500 m
Rest as needed between efforts.
Athlete Instructions
Other Equipment Conversions: Replace each 500 m of rowing with 400m of running, 1200m on the Echo Bike.
Super Fitness Robot time / rounds:
Men- 1:40 or less per 500 m
Women- 1:55 or less per 500 m
More Likely time / rounds:
Men- 2:00 or less per 500 m
Women- 2:20 or less per 500 m
(consider scaling if this seems unrealistic)
Movement Demos
Cool Down
Glute Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.
Wall Shoulder Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Wednesday, November 13
Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
2 sets, not for time, of:
2 minutes of easy jogging, biking or rowing
20 seconds of lateral banded steps
5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)
5 band pull-aparts
5 scap pull-ups
5 kip swings
5 pull-ups, ring rows, or low-ring muscle-ups
10 steps of walking lunges
10 Abmat sit-ups OR GHD sit-ups
(AFTER WOD) - Optional
For time:
20 Strict Toes-to-bars (Kipping TTB, V-Ups, Knee Raises)
Plank Hold, 1:30
16 Strict Toes-to-bars
Plank Hold, 1:30
14 Strict Toes-to-bars
Plank Hold, 1:30
Athlete Instructions
Strict Toes-to-bars / Strict Knees-to-elbows
Movement Demos
3 rounds for time of:
Run, 800 m
30 Hollow Rocks
20 Pull-ups (or 6 muscle ups)
Weighted Walking Lunge, pick load, 30 m (sore from “Chad?”, can take this movement out!)
Athlete Instructions
Hollow Rocks / Sit-ups
Pull-ups- any style.
You choose load on lunge. Feel free to use no load.
Cool Down
Cobra Stretch - abs
1-2 minutes
Wall Stretch, Leg
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.
Tuesday, November 12
Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.
2 sets, not for time, of:
2 minutes of easy rowing, biking or jogging
6-8 hip & back extensions
3 inchworm push-ups
2 sets, not for time, of:
3-5 deadlifts, empty barbell, starting from mid-shin
3-5 muscle cleans, empty barbell, starting from mid-shin
3-5 strict shoulder presses, empty barbell
3-5 power clean and jerks, empty barbell, starting from mid-shin
3-5 down-ups (do burpees in the second set)
Superset (AFTER WOD)
3 rounds for quality of:
Overhead Carry, pick load, 100 ft
Athlete Instructions
Use 2 dumbbells / kettlebells, or one barbell
If you prefer, do the Waiter Walk.
Movement Demos
Barbell Good Morning 15-15-15
Movement Demos
For time:
10 Clean & Jerks, 65% 1RM
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
8 Clean & Jerks, 65% 1RM
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
6 Clean & Jerks, 65% 1RM
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
4 Clean & Jerks, 65% 1RM
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
2 Clean & Jerks, 65% 1RM
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
Athlete Instructions
For time, or not.
Super Fitness Robot time / rounds:
12:00 or less
More Likely time / rounds: (consider scaling if this seems unrealistic)
Movement Demos
Cool Down
Calves & Foam Rolling
Trap stretch with lacrosse ball
1-2 minutes per side
Chest & Pec, hands behind
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Monday, November 11
Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
Gym Announcements
Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day Hero WOD “Chad”
This will be our ONLY class today. Community WOD. 5pm. All are welcome.
For Time
1,000 Box Step-Ups (20 in)
Wear a Ruck Pack (45/35 lb)
Complete 1,000 Weighted Box Step-Ups as fast as possible. Use a 20 inch Box and wear a Ruck Pack that weighs 45/35 lb for men/women.
A Ruck is a weighted Backpack to simulate the gear carried during a hiking expedition.
Score is the time it takes to complete all 1,000 repetitions.
Tips and Strategy
When you go into this workout, know that your pace will be slow. You’ll break a lot, but long rests will result in feeling like the clock is moving backwards instead of forwards. Commit to short breaks (10-15 seconds) and then get back on the box.
Intended Stimulus
This memorial WOD should feel like one of the most mentally challenging workouts you’ll ever do. You’ll want to quit at least a few times. But when you make it to the finish line, you’ll feel both exhausted (physically and mentally) and extremely accomplished. And if you keep Chad Michael Wilkinson in your mind during all 1,000 reps, you’ll also feel like you’ve properly honored a fellow human being.
Scaling Options
This workout is meant to be grueling and long—an hour or more for most athletes.
Single-modality workouts, ones where there is only one movement, (like “Randy,” “30 Muscle-Ups,” and “Run 3k”) are tough—there’s only one movement, and therefore, nowhere to hide.
Beginners should significantly scale the volume and/or the load to stay safe. The prescribed version of this workout should only be tackled by well-seasoned athletes.
For Time
500 Box Step-Ups (20 in)
Wear a Ruck Pack (25/15 lb)
For Time
200 Box Step-Ups (20 in)
No Weighted Ruck
Saturday, November 9
Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.
Gym Announcements
Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day Hero WOD “Chad”
This will be our ONLY class that day. Community WOD. 5pm. All are welcome.
2 sets, not for time, of:
2 minutes of easy biking, rowing or jogging
10 squats (squat therapy style) (see video below)
6 reverse lunges, L-leg
6 reverse lunges, R-leg
5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)
5 band pull-aparts
5 scap pull-ups
5 kip swings
5 pull-ups, ring rows, or low-ring muscle-ups
(NTE 10:00)
Individual Version:
5 rounds for quality of:
Air Bike, 1200 m
10 L/10 R Kickstand Squats, pick load
1 Legless Rope Climb, 15 ft (sub 2 rope climbs or 12 Pull-Ups)
Partner Version:
5 Rounds for Quality:
400m Run (both partners run together)
10L/10R Kickstand Squats, pick load (synchronized)
2 Rope Climbs (1 for each partner) or 20 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows (any split)
Other Equipment Conversions
Other Equipment Conversions: Replace each 1200m of biking with 400m of running, 500m on the Concept 2 rower.
Movement Demos
Cool Down
Kneeling Lay Back
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Cobra Stretch - abs
1-2 minutes
Friday, November 8
Out of difficulties grow miracles.
Gym Announcements
Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day Hero WOD “Chad”
This will be our ONLY class that day. Community WOD. 5pm. All are welcome.
2-4 minutes of easy rowing, jogging or biking
2 sets, not for time, of:
6-8 hip & back extensions
8 glute bridges, empty barbell or unweighted
8 deadlifts, empty barbell
8-10 push-ups (or knee push-ups)
10 seconds of handstand hold (or pike hold with feet on the ground or plank hold)
(NTE 10:00)
(Before WOD)5 min skill time:
Handstand Work
Wall Walk
HS Hold
Controlled HS lower
Kipping HSPU
Free-standing HS
(After WOD)
Standing Dumbbell Arnold Press
Athlete Instructions
3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Movement Demos
6-7-8-9-10 reps, for time of:
Deadstop Deadlift, 65% 1RM
Strict Deficit Handstand Push-up, pick height (Shoulder Press 65% 1RM)
Athlete Instructions
For time, or not.
Movement Demos
Cool Down
Hamstring Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.
Pec stretch, laying on side.
1-2 minutes per side.
Thursday, November 7
Gym Announcements!
Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day Hero WOD “Chad”
This will be our ONLY class that day. Community WOD. All are welcome.
2 minutes of easy biking, jogging or rowing (approximately 50% of your effort)
10 seconds of tuck hold position
5 Shoulder Pass Throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)
5 Band Pull-aparts
5 Scap Pull-ups
5 Kip Swings
5 Pull-ups or Ring Rows
10 Push-ups (or knee push-ups)
(NTE 10:00)
For quality:
Sandbag Bear Hug Hold, pick load, 5 mins
Athlete Instructions
Sandbag / D-Ball
You can choose between a static hold (3-5 minutes) or walking (3-4 sets of 50m).
Movement Demos
Air Squats: 5 x 30 secs / 30 secs
30 secs of work followed by 30 secs of rest for 5 intervals.
Score is the lowest reps performed in any of the intervals.
Movement Demos
For quality:
100 Hand Release Push-ups
Hollow Rocks or Hold, Accumulate 2 mins
Bear Crawl, 50 m
Movement Demos
Cool Down
Wednesday, November 6
Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.
Mark Twain
Gym Announcements!
Gym t-shirts are up for anyone to purchase. Feel free to help yourself and venmo us $20/shirt @pisgahfitness.
Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day Hero WOD “Chad”
This will be our ONLY class that day. Community WOD. All are welcome.
Not for time:
3 minutes of easy jogging, biking or rowing
20 seconds of banded steps forward and backward
15 Abmat sit-ups
2 minutes of easy jogging, biking or rowing
20 seconds of banded steps forward and backward
15 hollow rocks
1 minute of easy jogging, biking or rowing
20 seconds of banded steps forward and backward
15 v-ups
(NTE 10:00)
For time:
100 V-ups
(scale to alternating single leg v-ups, medball sit-ups, sit-ups, hollow rocks)
(AFTER WOD, tackle this combo if any time remaining)
Emphasize the rotation on these!
Single Arm Suitcase Carry
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.
Athlete Instructions
3 carries per side with a challenging weight, feel free to increase the distance.
Movement Demos
Death By Shuttle Run
With a continuously running clock perform:
Shuttle Run 10 m in the first 1 min
Shuttle Run 10 m + 10 m in the second 1 min
Shuttle Run 10 m + 20 m in the third 1 min
Continuing this for as long as you are able.
Cool Down
Cobra Stretch - abs
1-2 minutes
Calves & Foam Rolling
Tuesday, November 5
Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything... whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out.
Gym Announcements!
I’ve misplaced the pre-order info from the shirts in all the craziness, so if you pre-ordered one, please grab your new Pisgah t-shirt early this week. Payment can be made to Venmo (@pisgahfitness) for $20.
If you didn’t pre-order but want one, I’ll hang some up later this week, or feel free to look through the cardboard box above the shirt rack for something you like. If you grab one, please Venmo the gym! Please wait until Wednesday or Thursday to allow our pre-order folks to get theirs.
We’re getting rid of a couple of the most noisy and rusted Assault Bikes. If you’re interested in one for your garage or know of a group that would want one, see me ASAP. We’ll donate it or accept a small donation to the Pisgah hurricane recovery fund! We’ve got another new Rogue bike on the way and will be ordering more new bikes, so I want to clear up some room in that corner.
2-4 minutes of running, biking or rowing, followed by…
2 sets, not for time, of:
15m of high knees
10 lateral lunges (5 per side)
15m of butt kicks
10 squats (squat therapy style) (see video below)
10 hip & back extensions
10 glute bridges (empty/light barbell)
30 seconds of banded marching
5 broad jumps
(NTE 10:00)
4 rounds for quality of:
10 L Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load
Rest 1 min
10 R Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load
Rest 1 min
Dumbbell Lunge, pick load, 10 m
Rest 1 min
Movement Demos
For time:
75 Russian Kettlebell Swings, pick load
Athlete Instructions
Choose a heavy load you can safely move. The goal is to accomplish this in 3 or fewer sets.
Movement Demos
Cool Down
Wall Stretch, Leg
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.
Glute Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.
Monday, November 4
Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity.
Gym Announcements!
I’ve misplaced the pre-order info from the shirts in all the craziness, so if you pre-ordered one, please grab your new Pisgah t-shirt early this week. Payment can be made to Venmo (@pisgahfitness) for $20.
If you didn’t pre-order but want one, I’ll hang some up later this week, or feel free to look through the cardboard box above the shirt rack for something you like. If you grab one, please Venmo the gym! Please wait until Wednesday or Thursday to allow our pre-order folks to get theirs.
We’re getting rid of a couple of the most noisy and rusted Assault Bikes. If you’re interested in one for your garage or know of a group that would want one, see me ASAP. We’ll donate it or accept a small donation to the Pisgah hurricane recovery fund! We’ve got another new Rogue bike on the way and will be ordering more new bikes, so I want to clear up some room in that corner.
We’ve hit a snag with the hot water heaters and will need to call a professional this week, so not hot water right now. We’ll try and get that knocked out ASAP.
I’ll have time to replace the door on the front bathroom this week. The front bathroom has its sink working normally. I’ve ordered a new vanity for the bathroom that’s facing the gym floor. I’ve been using the bathtub faucet to wash hands when I use that one, so feel free to do that until we get a sink replaced in there.
Floors are gradually getting down. Slow process, but thanks to everyone that’s been helping out. Our new floor scrubber came and that’s been helpful in keeping them as clean as we can moving forward.
I’ve dropped two floor mats down. One at the front door and another by the roll up door nearest the stereo. It’s SO HARD to keep dirt and dust out of that space, but as much as you can dust off your shoes when you come in, it will help. Thanks!
I hope to order new rower monitors this week. Haven’t gotten that done yet.
Have a great week!
2 Rounds of:
1 minute of easy jogging, rowing or biking
20 seconds of jumping jacks or single-unders
5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)
5 band pull-aparts
5 scap pull-ups
5 kip swings
5 pull-ups, ring rows, or low-ring muscle-ups
1 x Burgener warm-up with empty bar (45/35) (see video below)
(NTE 10:00)
(After WOD)
Turkish Get-up 14-14-14 (3-7 each arm/set)
Strict Dips (Ring or Bar or Box) 4x15
7 rounds of:
5 Clean & Jerks, 60% 1RM
7 Pull-ups or 3 Bar Muscle-Ups
Cool Down
Wall Shoulder Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Trap stretch with lacrosse ball
1-2 minutes per side
Saturday, November 2
Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time... I think I've forgotten this before.
Min.1: 40 seconds of biking, rowing or jogging (try to increase the pace every set)
Min.2: 10m of high knees + 10m of butt kicks (do it three times in the same minute)
Min.3: 7-10 Down & Ups
Min.4: Rest
Min.5: 40 seconds of biking, rowing or jogging
Min.6: 10m of high knees + 10m of butt kicks
Min.7: 7-10 no-jump Burpees
Min.8: Rest
Min.9: 40 seconds of biking, rowing or jogging
Min.10: 10m of high knees + 10m of butt kicks
Min.11: 7-10 Burpees
Min.12: Rest
Individual Version:
For time:
Run, 1 mi
50 Burpees to Plate
50 Med Ball Sit-Ups
Row, 1 km
50 Med Ball Sit-Ups
50 Burpees to Plate
Run, 1 mi
Partner Version:
Any Split
For time:
Run, 1 mi
70 Burpees to Plate
70 Med-Ball Sit-Ups
Row, 1 km
70 Burpees to Plate
70 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
Run, 1 mi
Cool Down
Kneeling Lay Back
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Pec stretch, laying on side.
1-2 minutes per side.
Friday, November 1
I put instant coffee in a microwave oven and almost went back in time.
2 sets, not for time of:
2 minutes of rowing, biking or jogging
30 seconds of banded steps forward and backward
:30 med ball snow angels
10 med ball slams
10 rotational med ball slams
10 wallball
(NTE 10:00)
5 min: Rope Climb/Clamp Skill Work
Double KB Reverse Lunge 20-20-20
DB Pullover 12-12-12-12
21-15-9 reps of:
Thruster, 95/65 lbs
Cool Down
Straddle Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Wall Stretch, Leg
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.
Chest & Pec, hands behind
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Thursday, October 31
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
2 minutes of easy biking, jogging or rowing (approximately 50% of your effort)
10 seconds of tuck hold position
5 Shoulder Pass Throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)
5 Band Pull-aparts
5 Rope Lowers
5 Bent Over Rows
10 Push-ups (or knee push-ups)
(NTE 10:00)
Super Set:
5 x 10
Strict Chin-up/Bent Over Row @2111
5 x 20
5 x 10
For time:
30 Snatches (135/95)
Cool Down
Banded shoulder work
Banded lower body
Wednesday, October 30
Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories.
2 sets, not for time of:
50 single-unders or double-unders
30 seconds of banded marching
10 hip & back extensions
5-7 deadlifts (for the barbell movements, an empty/light bar is recommended)
5-7 hang muscle cleans, starting from just above the knee
5-7 hang power cleans, starting from just above the knee
5-7 power cleans, starting from mid-shin
(NTE 10:00)
For quality:
200 Double Unders
Athlete Instructions
In as few sets as possible.
Movement Demos
Double Under Practice, 5 mins
5 min to warm-up, then 10 min to log::
Deadlift 1-1-1
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Athlete Instructions
Rest 2-4 minutes between sets.
Movement Demos
5 Power Cleans, pick load
Every 3 mins for 21 mins.
Athlete Instructions
55% 1RM or Higher
Movement Demos
Cool Down
Hamstring Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.
Foam Roller, Back, lats, etc
Trap stretch with lacrosse ball
1-2 minutes per side
Tuesday, October 29
What's another word for Thesaurus?
2 sets, not for time, of:
2 minutes of easy jogging, biking or rowing
10 box step-ups and step-downs (you choose the height) or 10 m of walking lunges
10 sit-ups, v-ups or hollow rocks
5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)
5 band pull-aparts
5 scap pull-ups
5 kip swings
5 pull-ups, ring rows, or low-ring muscle-ups
5 rounds for time of:
Run, 600 m
20 GHD Sit-ups (V-Ups/Sit-Ups)
10 L/10 R Weighted Reverse Lunges, pick load
15 Pull-ups (or 5 Muscle-Ups!)
(45:00 cap)
Athlete Instructions
GHD Sit-ups / V-ups
Pull-ups- any style.
For time, or not.
Cool Down
Cobra Stretch - abs
1-2 minutes
Calves & Foam Rolling
Kneeling Lay Back
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Monday, October 28
“Other people’s opinion of you is none of your business.” - Dr. Nick @thefittestdoc
3 mins of jogging, biking, or rowing
-- then --
7 min of Turkish get-ups.
Slow. Make sure and spend an equal amount of time on each side.
Lifting: Shoulder Press, Push Press, and Split Jerks
Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1, using heaviest weight per set
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3, using heaviest weight per set
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5, using heaviest weight per set
This is not for time. Rest as needed between sets.
Strength/Skill (After WOD)
Superset (not for time):
Dumbbell Skull Crusher 12-12-12
Athlete Instructions
3 sets of 8-12 reps.
Movement Demos
3 rounds for quality of:
Farmer Carry, pick load, 200 ft.
Movement Demos
Cool Down
Wall Shoulder Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Trap stretch with lacrosse ball
1-2 minutes per side
Sunday, October 27
Gym Updates
2 new Rogue Echo bikes have been delivered to the gym. We have one more on the way.
2 new Rogue flat benches are at Pisgah (now we have one for each station at the rig!).
Front room and bathrooms are painted, new trim, and we have a new door on one bathroom.
The toilet and shower are good to go in the “old” bathroom (the one connected to the main floor). We still have to replace the sink and vanity in there. Both showers need to be cleaned but I hope to get to that today (Saturday).
What’s next?
New commercial floor scrubber coming Tuesday to use on the rubber mat rolls.
Roll-away dumpster coming Wednesday to collect all the trash we’re producing and that is collecting in the front lot.
We’ll have to replace a bunch of monitors on the rowers.
There was some damage to the plumbing with the sink in the front bathroom. We’ll get started on that.
I’m getting rid of the big lockers and replacing with open cubbies. If you had stuff in those lockers, I’m putting them in bags and you can collect from me when you can.
Coaching Staff Update
Coach Hanna and her family relocated up to New Jersey in the storm’s aftermath to allow their kids to be in school. Hanna let me know she’s taken a new job here in Asheville as well. Hanna said the new work schedule, along with being currently displaced, has led her to need to step away from coaching duties at Pisgah. We’re so grateful to Hanna’s many coaching and community-building gifts! I’m assuming she’ll remain available for physical therapy and private coaching and we hope to see her back at Pisgah once their family comes back to the mountains. Thanks for all the awesomeness, Hanna!
Coach Jason Bowe has been helping with our Tuesday 5:30pm for awhile and subs in with other classes as well. I’ve added Jason’s bio below so you can get to know him a bit better if you haven’t already. We’re thrilled to have Jason with us!
Jason is a CrossFit Level 1 trainer, and also has completed his USAW Level 1, CrossFit Anatomy, and CrossFit “Spot the Flaw” courses. With 7 years of experience, he’s passionate about helping others reach their fitness goals. Outside of the gym, Jason works as a realtor. His hobbies include golfing, hiking, mountain biking, and looking for new adventures in the outdoors. He shares his life with his amazing girlfriend Sara and their two dogs, Jack and Olive.
Saturday, October 26
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
3 sets, not for time, of:
1 min of jogging, biking, or rowing (increase pace each round)
5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if this treats your shoulders better)
5 band pull-aparts
5 scap pull-ups
5 kip swings
5 ring rows or pull-ups
5 push-ups or knee push-ups
10 air squats, squat therapy style
(NTE 10:00)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
Complete as many rounds as possible in 40 mins of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
Athlete Instructions
Complete in teams of 2, alternate rounds.
Cool Down
Kneeling Lay Back
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Pec stretch, laying on side.
1-2 minutes per side.
Friday, October 25
Without music, life would be a mistake.
2 sets, not for time of:
2 minutes of rowing, biking or jogging
30 seconds of banded steps forward and backward
10 hip & back extensions
1 x Burgener warm-up with empty bar (45/35) (see video below)
(NTE 10:00)
Z Press 12-12-12
Rest as needed between sets.
Athlete Instructions
3 sets 8-12 repetitions, you can use a barbell, two dumbbells or two kettlebells.
Movement Demos
2 Hang Squat Snatches, pick load
Every 3 mins for 30 mins.
Movement Demos
Tabata Russian Kettlebell Swing, pick load
The Tabata interval is 40 secs of work followed
by 20 secs of rest for 5 intervals.
Athlete Instructions
Choose a heavy load you can safely move.
Movement Demos
Cool Down
Trap stretch with lacrosse ball
1-2 minutes per side
Wall Stretch, Leg
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.