Monday, November 11

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

Warren Buffett

Gym Announcements

  • Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day Hero WOD “Chad”

    • This will be our ONLY class today. Community WOD. 5pm. All are welcome.


For Time

  • 1,000 Box Step-Ups (20 in)

  • Wear a Ruck Pack (45/35 lb)

Complete 1,000 Weighted Box Step-Ups as fast as possible. Use a 20 inch Box and wear a Ruck Pack that weighs 45/35 lb for men/women.

A Ruck is a weighted Backpack to simulate the gear carried during a hiking expedition.

Score is the time it takes to complete all 1,000 repetitions.

Tips and Strategy

When you go into this workout, know that your pace will be slow. You’ll break a lot, but long rests will result in feeling like the clock is moving backwards instead of forwards. Commit to short breaks (10-15 seconds) and then get back on the box.

Intended Stimulus

This memorial WOD should feel like one of the most mentally challenging workouts you’ll ever do. You’ll want to quit at least a few times. But when you make it to the finish line, you’ll feel both exhausted (physically and mentally) and extremely accomplished. And if you keep Chad Michael Wilkinson in your mind during all 1,000 reps, you’ll also feel like you’ve properly honored a fellow human being.

Scaling Options 

This workout is meant to be grueling and long—an hour or more for most athletes.

Single-modality workouts, ones where there is only one movement, (like “Randy,” “30 Muscle-Ups,” and “Run 3k”) are tough—there’s only one movement, and therefore, nowhere to hide.

Beginners should significantly scale the volume and/or the load to stay safe. The prescribed version of this workout should only be tackled by well-seasoned athletes.

For Time
500 Box Step-Ups (20 in)
Wear a Ruck Pack (25/15 lb)

For Time
200 Box Step-Ups (20 in)
No Weighted Ruck


Tuesday, November 12


Saturday, November 9