Wednesday, November 6

Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.

Mark Twain

Gym Announcements!

  • Gym t-shirts are up for anyone to purchase. Feel free to help yourself and venmo us $20/shirt @pisgahfitness.

  • Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day Hero WOD “Chad”

    • This will be our ONLY class that day. Community WOD. All are welcome.


    Not for time:

    3 minutes of easy jogging, biking or rowing

    20 seconds of banded steps forward and backward

    15 Abmat sit-ups

    2 minutes of easy jogging, biking or rowing

    20 seconds of banded steps forward and backward

    15 hollow rocks

    1 minute of easy jogging, biking or rowing

    20 seconds of banded steps forward and backward

    15 v-ups

    (NTE 10:00)


    For time:

    100 V-ups 

    (scale to alternating single leg v-ups, medball sit-ups, sit-ups, hollow rocks)

    (AFTER WOD, tackle this combo if any time remaining)


    Kneeling Keg/Sandbag Lift

    Emphasize the rotation on these!


    Single Arm Suitcase Carry


    Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

    Rest as needed between sets.

    Athlete Instructions

    3 carries per side with a challenging weight, feel free to increase the distance.

    Movement Demos


    Death By Shuttle Run

    With a continuously running clock perform:

    Shuttle Run 10 m in the first 1 min

    Shuttle Run 10 m + 10 m in the second 1 min

    Shuttle Run 10 m + 20 m in the third 1 min


    Continuing this for as long as you are able.

    Cool Down

  • Cobra Stretch - abs

    1-2 minutes

    Calves & Foam Rolling


Thursday, November 7


Tuesday, November 5