Tuesday, November 5
Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything... whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out.
Gym Announcements!
I’ve misplaced the pre-order info from the shirts in all the craziness, so if you pre-ordered one, please grab your new Pisgah t-shirt early this week. Payment can be made to Venmo (@pisgahfitness) for $20.
If you didn’t pre-order but want one, I’ll hang some up later this week, or feel free to look through the cardboard box above the shirt rack for something you like. If you grab one, please Venmo the gym! Please wait until Wednesday or Thursday to allow our pre-order folks to get theirs.
We’re getting rid of a couple of the most noisy and rusted Assault Bikes. If you’re interested in one for your garage or know of a group that would want one, see me ASAP. We’ll donate it or accept a small donation to the Pisgah hurricane recovery fund! We’ve got another new Rogue bike on the way and will be ordering more new bikes, so I want to clear up some room in that corner.
2-4 minutes of running, biking or rowing, followed by…
2 sets, not for time, of:
15m of high knees
10 lateral lunges (5 per side)
15m of butt kicks
10 squats (squat therapy style) (see video below)
10 hip & back extensions
10 glute bridges (empty/light barbell)
30 seconds of banded marching
5 broad jumps
(NTE 10:00)
4 rounds for quality of:
10 L Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load
Rest 1 min
10 R Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load
Rest 1 min
Dumbbell Lunge, pick load, 10 m
Rest 1 min
Movement Demos
For time:
75 Russian Kettlebell Swings, pick load
Athlete Instructions
Choose a heavy load you can safely move. The goal is to accomplish this in 3 or fewer sets.
Movement Demos
Cool Down
Wall Stretch, Leg
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.
Glute Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.