Wednesday, October 30
Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories.
2 sets, not for time of:
50 single-unders or double-unders
30 seconds of banded marching
10 hip & back extensions
5-7 deadlifts (for the barbell movements, an empty/light bar is recommended)
5-7 hang muscle cleans, starting from just above the knee
5-7 hang power cleans, starting from just above the knee
5-7 power cleans, starting from mid-shin
(NTE 10:00)
For quality:
200 Double Unders
Athlete Instructions
In as few sets as possible.
Movement Demos
Double Under Practice, 5 mins
5 min to warm-up, then 10 min to log::
Deadlift 1-1-1
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Athlete Instructions
Rest 2-4 minutes between sets.
Movement Demos
5 Power Cleans, pick load
Every 3 mins for 21 mins.
Athlete Instructions
55% 1RM or Higher
Movement Demos
Cool Down
Hamstring Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.
Foam Roller, Back, lats, etc
Trap stretch with lacrosse ball
1-2 minutes per side