WOD - Class Programming

Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Wednesday, October 2

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.

Khalil Gibran

Gym Update:

Classes cancelled until at least Saturday. We may have an opportunity to get some limited work started on Saturday at the space. I’m thinking around 10am. Tentative. I’ll confirm on Friday!


I’m going to start adding some optional accessory work that you may be able to do at home. Some of it may require equipment (such as the farmer carries or turkish get-ups below), so you may have to be creative. Options such as the handstand holds and carries may be something you can work on against a wall at home or nearby. Obviously, be super careful with all of this. These are just options to keep us working and developing and moving forward.

My mom always drilled into me that “life is 10% what happens to us, and 90% how we respond to it.” There may be time over these next weeks to slow down and focus on our well-being, whether that be mindfulness, mobility and stretching, or something as simple as getting better at pushups. Whatever it is, I’m challenging all of us to identify opportunities to turn negatives into positives, and keep pushing our minds and bodies to be better than yesterday.

“No Equipment” WOD



40 seconds of jogging or rowing

10 m high knees

10 m butt kicks

5 broad jumps


For distance: Run: 1x 45 mins

Athlete Instructions

Recommend low intensity.

Optional Accessory Work 1

For quality: 30 Turkish Get-ups, pick load

Athlete Instructions

Accumulate a total of 20-30 reps (10/15 per arm), switch arm every 5 reps.

Movement Demos

Optional Accessory Work 2

For quality: Handstand Practice, 4 mins

Athlete Instructions

Handstand Holds and/or Walking

Accumulate 2-4 minutes open floor or against a wall, or practice handstand walking.

Movement Demos

Optional Accessory Work 3

3 rounds for quality of: Farmer Carry, pick load, 100 ft

Athlete Instructions

3 carries with a heavy load. Increase distance as needed if the load is too light.

Movement Demos

Cool Down & Stretching

Cool down for 5-15 minutes by casually walking or jogging, then stretch.

Frog Stretch Hold

1-2 minutes.

Calves & Foam Rolling

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Tuesday, October 1

Every day, across our state, we see grit and resilience.

Ben Sasse

Tuesday “No Equipment” WOD


3-5 minutes of easy jogging


2-3 rounds, not for time, of:

20 seconds of lateral lunges

10 steps of walking lunges

10 sit-ups

:45 Shoulder rotations


4 rounds for time of:

Run, 400 m (or about 2:00-2:30 of run time)

50 Air Squats (scale to 30-50)

40 Sit-ups (scale to 20-40)

Movement Demos

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Monday, September 30

At various points, in big ways and small, we get knocked down. If we stay down, grit loses. If we get up, grit prevails. - Angela Duckworth

Without access to the gym space, I'll be sending WODs that require no equipment. Just find a safe space and get after it. 


3 Rounds, not for time, of:
1 minute of easy jogging (try to increase the pace each round)
30 seconds of jumping jacks
8 glute bridge
8 air squats
8 step-ups and step-downs (find something to step up to and down from, or just go lunges here)


3 rounds for time of:

Run, 400 m (or about 2:00-2:30 of running, aggressive but sustainable pace)
40 Glute Bridges 
15 Tuck Jumps

Movement Demos

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Saturday, September 28

I dwell in possibility.

Emily Dickinson

Community WOD

Every 4 mins for 40 mins do:

Run, 400 m (Scale to a distance that takes you approx. 2:00 or less)

6 Devils Press (or 10 Burpees)

10 Pull-Ups/Ring Rows/Bent Over Rows

Individual: As written

Partner Version:

Every 4 mins for 40 mins do:

Run, 400 m

10 Devils Press (or 15 Burpees)

In remaining time:

Max number of pull-ups/ring rows/bent over rows

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Friday, September 27

In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.

Khalil Gibran


2 Rounds, not for time, of:

2 minutes of easy rowing, biking or jogging

20 seconds of banded marching

10 hip & back extensions

20 seconds of foam rolling your lats and low-back


2-3 Rounds, not for time, with an empty barbell, of:

3-5 deadlifts, starting from mid-shin

3-5 hang power cleans, starting from just above the knees

3-5 front squats (2 seconds pause in the bottom position)

3-5 squat cleans, starting from mid-shin

(NTE 10:00)


(After WOD, in time remaining)

3 RFQ (Superset)

Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift 3x12

Bulgarian Split Squats


Athlete Instructions

3-4 sets of 8-12 reps per leg.


5 Squat Clean, pick load

Every 5 mins for 25 mins.

Athlete Instructions


55% - 70% 1RM

Cool Down

Chest & Pec, hands behind

Hold 1-2 minutes.

Straddle Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Thursday, September 26

There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't yet met.

William Butler Yeats

2 minutes of easy biking, jogging or rowing (approximately 50% of your effort)

10 seconds of tuck hold position

5 Shoulder Pass Throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)

5 Band Pull-aparts

5 Scap Pull-ups

5 Kip Swings

5 Pull-ups or Ring Rows

10 Push-ups (or knee push-ups)

(NTE 10:00)


(After WOD, if time)

3 rounds for quality of:

12 Dumbbell Lateral Raises, pick load

12 Dumbbell Front Raises, pick load

12 Dumbbell Bent Over Raises, pick load

Movement Demos

Strict Chin-ups 4x12

Athlete Instructions

Pull-ups, strict, palms facing you (supinated grip)(or ring rows or band if needed).

3-4 sets of 8-12 reps (break up sets as needed).

Movement Demos


5 rounds for quality of:

Air Bike, 1200 m

10 Bench Press, pick load

1 Legless Rope Climb, 15 ft (Rope Climb using clamps, 3 Rope Lowers)

Athlete Instructions

Other Equipment Conversions

Replace each 1200m of biking with 400m of running, 500m on the Concept 2 rower.


This workout should be completed not for time.

Approx time: 28:00-30:00

Cool Down

Chest & Pec, hands behind

Hold 1-2 minutes.

Straddle Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Wednesday, September 25

My friends are my estate.

Emily Dickinson


3 Rounds, not for time, of:

1 minute of easy jogging, biking or rowing (easy pace)

10 steps of walking lunges

8 air squats (Squat Therapy style) (see video below)

30 seconds of rowing (preferably) or running or biking: try to increase the pace every 10 seconds

60 seconds of rest

(NTE 10:00)


(Before WOD)

Back Squat 2-2-2

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

(After WOD)

For quality:

10 Double Kettlebell Push Press, pick load

Double Kettlebell Overhead Carry/Waiter Walk, pick load, 20 m (one floor length)

9 Kettlebell Push Press, pick load

Double Kettlebell Overhead Carry, pick load, 20 m

8 Kettlebell Push Press, pick load

Double Kettlebell Overhead Carry, pick load, 20 m

(and so on, down to 1 double KB push press and one 20m carry)

Athlete Instructions

Use the same weight for both exercises. The goal is to break the complex into as few sets as possible: choose the weight accordingly. Use a pair of kettlebells or dumbbells.


Individual Version:

3 rounds, each round for time, of:

35 Thrusters, 45/35 lbs

Row, 500/350 m

Rest 5 mins between each round.

Partner Version

6 rounds for time of:

35 Thrusters, 45/35 lbs

Row, 500/350 m

Athlete Instructions

Complete in teams of 2, alternating rounds.

Cool Down

Kneeling Lay Back

Hold 1-2 minutes.

Glute Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Tuesday, September 24

The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend.

Henry David Thoreau


3 mins of easy jogging, biking, or rowing

-- then -- 

2 rounds, not for time, of:

10 m high knees

10 m butt kicks

20-30 seconds of banded steps forward and backward

6 steps, walking lunges

6 lateral lunges (3 per side)

100 m run (increase acceleration each time)

60 secs of rest

(NTE 10:00)


5:00 of Skill work: Kipping Toe to Bar (Watch this)

For quality:

20 Strict Toes-to-bars (scale to kipping, then strict or kipping knee to elbow/knee raise)

Plank Hold, 1:30

16 Strict Toes-to-bars

Plank Hold, 1:30

14 Strict Toes-to-bars

Plank Hold, 1:30

Athlete Instructions

Movement Demos


Tabata Box Jumps, pick height

The Tabata interval is 2 mins of work followed

by 2 mins of rest for 3 intervals.

Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.

Finisher (in/if time remaining)::

4-6 untimed Post Runs. 90% effort. Walk down. Rest as needed before next run.

Cool Down

Frog Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes.

Calves & Foam Rolling

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Monday, September 23

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

Henry David Thoreau


3 Rounds, not for time, of:

1 minute of easy jogging, biking or rowing

20-30 seconds of jumping jacks or single-unders

5-7 Squat Jumps

5 Shoulder Pass Throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)

5 Band Pull-aparts

5 Scap Pull-ups

5 Kip Swings

5 Pull-ups, Ring Rows, or low-ring muscle-ups

1 x Burgener Warm Up with empty bar (45/35) (see video below)

(NTE 10:00)


3 RFQ (Superset)

10 Low Ring Muscle-ups (use as little leg as possible)

Then choose one of the following:

GHD Hip Extensions x15

3 sets of 12-15 reps


Barbell Good Morning x15

Slow and controlled movement, weighted if you want.


9 rounds for time of:

3 Power Snatches, 135/95 lbs

6 Pull-ups

Cool Down

Wall Shoulder Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes.

Hamstring Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Saturday, September 21

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer

5 Rounds for Time (40:00 Cap):

Individual Version: 

400m Sandbag Run/ Carry (if no sandbags left, can run w/ weight vest, med ball, bumper plate)

20 Burpees

20 Plate Ground to Overhead (45/35)

20 DB Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (50/35)

Partner (any split):

400m Sandbag Carry (both athletes run together. One athlete must carry the sandbag or object. Teams can switch carrying the object anytime during the runs.)

30 Burpees

30 Plate Ground to Overhead (45/35)

30 DB Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (50/35)

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Friday, September 20

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

Mark Twain


2 Rounds, not for time, of:

2 minutes of jogging, biking or rowing

5 Shoulder Pass Throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)

5 Band Pull-aparts

5 Scap Pull-ups

5 Kip Swings

5 Pull-ups, Ring Rows, or low-ring muscle-ups

10 Abmat sit-ups or Hollow rocks

5-10 Push-ups, knee push-ups or elevated push-ups

10-20 Second Handstand Hold against wall, or with feet on a box in plank/pike position

(NTE 10:00)


(After WOD, if time, optional)

Dumbbell Pull Over 4x12

Athlete Instructions

3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Movement Demos


8 rounds for quality of:

Run, 400 m

L-Sit, 15 secs

7 Pull-ups

7 Strict Handstand Push-ups

Athlete Instructions

L-Sit, 15 secs / 15 Hanging Knee Raise

Strict Handstand Push-ups / Shoulder Press

Pull-ups- any style.

Shoulder press you choose load. Approximately 50% of 1RM is a good guide.

Movement Demos

Scaled Version:

3 rounds for quality of:

Walk/Jog/Run, 4 mins

30 Hanging Knee Raise

15 Pull-Up/Ring Rows

15 Shoulder Press, pick load

Strength B (can be done instead of WOD)

Same as WOD. Sub 2:00 (if doing Rx version) or 4:00 (scaled version) of heavy sled drags (walking with sled behind you) or pushes (sled in front) for the runs. Rest as needed during the 2:00 or 4:00.

Cool Down

Cobra Stretch - abs

1-2 minutes

Pec stretch, laying on side.

1-2 minutes per side.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Thursday, September 19

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

Albert Einstein


2 mins of running, biking, or rowing


2 rounds (not for time) of: 

15 m of high knees

10 lateral lunges (5 per side)

15 m of butt kicks

10 squats (squat therapy style- see video below)

10 hip and back extensions

10 glute bridges (empty/light barbell)

30 secs of lateral banded steps

(NTE 10:00)


Back Squat 8-8-8-8

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

Athlete Instructions


75% 1RM or higher

Movement Demos

Then, 3 RFQ of:

Double Kettlebell Reverse Lunge x20

Athlete Instructions

10 reps/leg.

Farmer Carry, pick load, 100 ft

Athlete Instructions

3 carries with a heavy load.

Increase distance as needed if the load is too light.


For time:

30 AbMat Sit-ups

Superman Hold, 45 secs

25 AbMat Sit-ups

Superman Hold, 45 secs

20 AbMat Sit-ups

Superman Hold, 45 secs

15 AbMat Sit-ups

Superman Hold, 45 secs

10 AbMat Sit-ups

Superman Hold, 45 secs

5 AbMat Sit-ups

Superman Hold, 45 secs

Athlete Instructions

For time, or not.

Movement Demos

Strength B (can be done instead of WOD)

Same as WOD

Cool Down


Wall Stretch


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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Wednesday, September 18

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

Jim Rohn


1 minute of easy jogging, biking or rowing

6-8 hip & back extensions

10 deadlifts, empty bar

4 walking push-ups or inchworm push-ups (see video below)

1 minute of easy jogging, biking or rowing

6-8 hip & back extensions

10 deadlifts, empty bar

6 down-ups

1 minute of easy jogging, biking or rowing

6-8 hip & back extensions

10 deadlifts, empty bar

8 burpees

1 minute of easy jogging, biking or rowing

(NTE 10:00)


Tabata Russian Kettlebell Swing, pick load

The Tabata interval is 40 secs of work followed

by 20 secs of rest for 5 intervals.

Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.

Athlete Instructions

Choose a heavy load you can safely move.

Strict Ring Dips 4x15

Athlete Instructions

3-4 sets of 5-15 reps.

Feel free to do more than 15 reps per set, trying to not exceed your 80% max.

Use a band if necessary.


5 rounds for time of:

5 Deadlifts, 275/185 lbs (Scale to 60% 1RM)

10 Burpees

Athlete Instructions

For time, or not.


10:00 or less

Movement Demos

Strength B (can be done instead of WOD)

5x5 Deadlift @ 60%

5x6 Lateral Bounding

Cool Down

Foam Roller, Back, lats, etc

Chest & Pec, hands behind

Hold 1-2 minutes.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Tuesday, September 17

What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens.

Ellen Glasgow

Schedule Update: Starting this week, we're combining the afternoon 4:30pm and 5:30pm classes into one 5:30pm class on Mon and Wed. We're keeping the Fri afternoon class at 4:30pm for now. 


2 rounds (not for time) of:

2 mins of easy jogging, biking, or rowing

8 Samson lunge

8 squats (squat therapy style- see video below)

5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)

5 band pull-aparts

5 scap pull-ups

5 kip swings

5 pull-ups, ring rows, or low-ring muscle-ups

(NTE 10:00)


(After WOD)

Single Arm Dumbbell Row 4x24

Athlete Instructions

3-4 sets of 8-12 reps per arm.

For quality:

10-20 Wall Walk

Athlete Instructions

Not for time. Slow & controlled.


Death By Thruster

With a continuously running clock perform:

1 Thruster, 95/65 lbs in the first 1 min

2 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs in the second 1 min

3 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs in the third 1 min


Continuing this for as long as you are able.

Athlete Instructions

Rest 5 mins before part 2.

Death By Pull-up/Ring Row

With a continuously running clock perform:

1 Pull-up in the first 1 min

2 Pull-ups in the second 1 min

3 Pull-ups in the third 1 min


Continuing this for as long as you are able.

Movement Demos

Strength B (can be done instead of WOD)

Same as WOD

Cool Down

Kneeling Lay Back

Hold 1-2 minutes.

Wall Shoulder Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Monday, September 16

People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent.

Bob Dylan

Schedule Update: Starting this week, we're combining the afternoon 4:30pm and 5:30pm classes into one 5:30pm class on Mon and Wed. We're keeping the Fri afternoon class at 4:30pm for now. 


AMRAP 8’, easy pace

12/10 cals on a machine of your choice, preferably biking (OR 150 m run)

15 m of high knees

15 m of butt kicks

10 steps of walking lunges

(NTE 10:00)


(After WOD)


10 Power Clean @ 60%

10 DB Bench Press @ 21X1

2 Rope Climb or 5 Rope Lowers or 2:00 Rope Climb Skill Work


Tabata Air Bike Calorie

The Tabata interval is 1 min of work followed by 1 min of rest for 10 intervals.

Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.

Bike is preferred. Use rower if all bikes are taken.

Strength B (can be done instead of WOD)


Hollow Rock

Box Jump

Athletes will follow the 1:00 on/1:00 off of the WOD, alternating between hollow rock + rest and box jump + rest.

Cool Down

Glute Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.

Frog Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Saturday, September 14

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. - Mother Teresa

Schedule Update: Starting next week, we're combining the afternoon 4:30pm and 5:30pm classes into one 5:30pm class on Mon and Wed. We're keeping the Fri afternoon class at 4:30pm for now. 


2 Rounds, not for time, of:

2 minutes of easy jogging, biking or rowing

10 m high knees

10 m butt kicks

10 steps of walking lunges

10 glute bridges

5 Shoulder Pass Throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)

5 Band Pull-aparts

5 Scap Pull-ups

5 Kip Swings

5 Pull-ups or Ring Rows

(NTE 10:00)


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:

Run, 400 m

20 Dumbbell Box Step-ups, pick load, pick height

15 Ring Rows

Athlete Instructions

Box step-ups are done alternating feet. You choose height & load.

Make Ring Rows challenging, for example put your feet on the box.

Individual version:

As written

Partner version:

One partner working on AMRAP, other must be in either a bottom-of-squat hold or plank hold. 

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Friday, September 13

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. - Lao Tzu

Schedule Update: Starting next week, we're combining the afternoon 4:30pm and 5:30pm classes into one 5:30pm class on Mon and Wed. We're keeping the Fri afternoon class at 4:30pm for now. 


2 Rounds, not for time, of:

1 minute of easy jogging, biking or rowing

20 seconds of banded marching

8 hip & back extensions

30 Seconds of foam rolling for your back/lats


2 Rounds, not for time, of:

5-7 Deadlifts, empty/light barbell

5-7 Hang Power Cleans, empty/light barbell

5-7 Front Squats, empty/light barbell

5-7 Shoulder Press, empty/light barbell

5-7 Clean & Jerk from mid-shin

(NTE 10:00)


Deadlift 5-5-5

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

Rest 2+ minutes between sets.

(After WOD, if time:)

For quality:

Handstand Practice, 4 mins

Accumulate 2-4 minutes open floor or against a wall 

Or practice handstand walking.

Movement Demos


1 Power Clean, pick load

Every 1 min for 10 mins.

3 Back Squat, pick load

Every 2 mins for 10 mins.

8 Bench Press, pick load

Every 2 mins for 10 mins.

Strength B (can be done instead of WOD)

Same as WOD

Cool Down

Hamstring Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.

Wall Stretch, Leg

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.

Trap stretch with lacrosse ball

1-2 minutes per side

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Thursday, September 12

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer

Warm Up

2 rounds of the following (:45 on/:15 rest for each)

Med ball snow angels

Med ball deadlift

Med ball thruster

Bodyweight good mornings

Squat jumps

(NTE 10:00)


5 min of jump rope and/or double under practice


5x10 DB Thruster @ 21X1



For time:

Run, 1 mi

Row, 2000 m

Run, 1 mi

Strength B (can be done instead of WOD)


Athletes will spend 2:00 at each station and work on the assigned movement. Rep count isn’t important, but try to consistently work for as much of the 2:00 as able.

Core work (planks, flutter kicks, hollow rocks) x 2:00

Weighted or ring push-ups x 2:00

Landmine RDL x 1:00/leg

KB Sumo High Pull x 2:00

Cool Down

Banded Shoulders

Banded lower body

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Wednesday, September 11

I never thought about success. I always thought about doing the job at hand. My goal was getting through the show that night. - Steve Martin


3 minutes of easy jogging, biking or rowing


2 Rounds of:

5 Shoulder Pass Throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)

5 Band Pull-aparts

5 Scap Pull-ups

5 Kip Swings

5 Pull-ups, Ring Rows, or low-ring muscle-ups

5 Walking push-ups or inchworm push-ups (see video below)

10 AbMat sit-ups, Hollow Rocks or V-ups

(NTE 10:00)


(After WOD)

For quality:

Side Plank Hold, 6 mins

(Accumulate 1-3 minutes per side)

Landmine Twists 3x 8-12


For quality:

75 Pull-ups

50 Burpees

100 V-ups

50 Burpees

30 Strict Knees-to-elbows

Strength Option (can be done instead of WOD)

4 RFQ:

15-20 Pull-Up

20-25 V-Up

8-10 Strict Knee-to-Elbow

Cool Down

Cobra Stretch - abs

1-2 minutes

Chest & Pec, hands behind

Hold 1-2 minutes.

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Ben Williamson Ben Williamson

Tuesday, September 10

“A day without sunshine is like, you know, night. “ - Steve Martin


2 minutes of rowing, biking or jogging


2 Rounds, not for time, of:

20 seconds of single-unders

5 hip & back extensions

8 air squats (Squat Therapy style) (see video below)

10 box step-ups and step-downs, you choose the height

30 seconds of rowing (preferably) or biking or running, try to increase acceleration each round

60 seconds of rest

(NTE 10:00)


3 Rounds (superset):

Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press x 8-12/arm @21X1

Pistol Squats x 10-12/each @2111


3 rounds, each round for time, of:

10 Back Squats, 60% 1RM

15 Dumbbell Push Press, pick load

20 Box Jumps, 24/20 in

25/18 Row Calories

Rest 1:1 between each round.

Strength B (can be done instead of WOD)

Same as WOD. Sub 25 pushups for row cals each round.

Cool Down

Wall Stretch, Leg

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.

Wall Shoulder Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes.

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