Thursday, September 19

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

Albert Einstein


2 mins of running, biking, or rowing


2 rounds (not for time) of: 

15 m of high knees

10 lateral lunges (5 per side)

15 m of butt kicks

10 squats (squat therapy style- see video below)

10 hip and back extensions

10 glute bridges (empty/light barbell)

30 secs of lateral banded steps

(NTE 10:00)


Back Squat 8-8-8-8

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

Athlete Instructions


75% 1RM or higher

Movement Demos

Then, 3 RFQ of:

Double Kettlebell Reverse Lunge x20

Athlete Instructions

10 reps/leg.

Farmer Carry, pick load, 100 ft

Athlete Instructions

3 carries with a heavy load.

Increase distance as needed if the load is too light.


For time:

30 AbMat Sit-ups

Superman Hold, 45 secs

25 AbMat Sit-ups

Superman Hold, 45 secs

20 AbMat Sit-ups

Superman Hold, 45 secs

15 AbMat Sit-ups

Superman Hold, 45 secs

10 AbMat Sit-ups

Superman Hold, 45 secs

5 AbMat Sit-ups

Superman Hold, 45 secs

Athlete Instructions

For time, or not.

Movement Demos

Strength B (can be done instead of WOD)

Same as WOD

Cool Down


Wall Stretch



Friday, September 20


Wednesday, September 18