Wednesday, March 22
“Any time not spent on love is wasted.” -Torquato Tasso
Gym Happenings
Pisgah Fitness member Hanna Trinite from Core Dynamics Physical Therapy is thrilled to be holding a pop up Core and Pelvic Floor Strength clinic on Sunday March 26 at 10:30am after the Women’s Workout 🏋🏻♀️ Open to all! ( Jacob here, Hanna is amazing, she has helped me immensely and I can’t recommend enough that you do your best to attend this event! )
Bring your questions and bring your friends! Email/text Hanna if you have any questions. 828-283-0526
Bar / 6 tempo 3111
55% / 5
65% / 3
75% / 2
85% / 5,3,2
4 rounds for time:
20/15 cal row
20’ LA OH SA lunge 35/50
20’ RA OH SA lunge 35/50
20’ HSW or 40’ bear crawl
50% / 2-3
60% / 2-3
70% / 2-3
5 x 2-3 / 80% ceiling