Thursday, March 23

“Self-discipline is tough because I’m the boss of me and that guy runs a real loose ship.”

- Mike Primavera

Gym Happenings

 Hi all,

 We’re excited that temps are climbing again and spring is here! Before long, we’ll be back to doors open warm weather workouts…

 Another exciting thing coming this spring is our Community Potluck happening on Saturday, April 22. It’s been awhile since we’ve had a social at the gym, but they are always a ton of fun. Really hope all of you can make it.

 Along those lines, many of you know Pisgah runs much like a cooperative. All our coaches have other work and profits from the gym go back into our sliding scale program and equipment and operations needs. As such, we don’t have full-time staff to focus on our outreach and often members are a HUGE HELP in these areas!

So…if you’re into event planning and want to help pull together this event (and/or future events!), please reach out to Ben ( Our potlucks are usually very casual with firepits, cornhole, music, a grill, dogs, friends, etc.
We’ve also talked about renting a pavilion at a future Asheville Tourists game and inviting the community but would like to build an “Events Committee” to take the lead on these ideas and their execution.

Lastly, we want and need more merchandise! We have lots of logos and designs from previous orders over the years and are excited about new ideas. If you’re into shirts, hats, merch stuff…we’d love to get a crew together to pull some designs together for the gym and coordinate printing. If that sounds like you, let Ben know (!

Thanks, all. Pisgah is stable and strong because of you!

See you soon…BW


3-4 rounds 6-8 reps 


Strict hand stand push-ups

Banded pull-up 

*Tempo 31x1 


For time: 

Row 1,200m 

100 dubs 

800m run 


4 rounds 

Tib raise 6

Calf raise 6

Tib raise 6

Elvis calf raise 6

D ball carry 100’ 


Friday, March 24


Wednesday, March 22