Wednesday, August 18

Couple fun announcements and XT/Group Fitness programming at the bottom...

- There are heat sign-ups going on the whiteboard tonight for OUTWOD Saturday. If you have a preference of when you would like to go, jot your team name down (or just email me or text me at 828-772-7115) and we'll reserve your spot. The WOD is structured in a way that we can send new teams into the WOD all morning, so if you don't get your time or don't have a preference (or don't have a partner yet), no worries. Just show up and we'll make it work!

- Continuing a fun Pisgah tradition, I'm also posting sign-ups for the "PFL" (Pisgah Football League)...a fantasy football league of Pisgah Fitness members. If you're into this, and want to participate, sign-up on the sheet going on the whiteboard tonight. Deadline to sign-up is Saturday Noon! No cost to participate. Winner writes a workout that all league participants must "get to" complete at season's end.

- Merch! I've finally reached out to our friends at Asheville T-Shirt about re-booting some of our old t-shirt designs and creating some new ones. Excited to get some gear going again before long. Thanks for being patient with me on this until we got our systems, schedules, and operations into a rhythm. Probably still a few weeks away, but I'm on it.

Ok, tomorrow's programming:

Group Fitness

Warmup: (10 min)


5:00 of:


10 alt Dead Bugs

10 alt Contralateral Superman

5 inchworm

5-10 pushups


3:00 of:


2 Rounds (Empty Barbell)

:30 Dead Lift

:30 Clean Pulls

:30 Front Squats








Bench 5x5

Clean 7x2 (Ascending)






1 mile run (Scaled: 1200m) Note...this will probably be a row or bike if this rain keeps up!

In remaining time: Max Rep Box Jump Overs (24/20)


Idea is to get to the box jump overs with around 2:00 left. 






XT Class:


Bench 3x10

Squat 3x10


Shoulder Press 3x10

Hip Bridge 3x15


ME Bounds: 3x6

Pushup/Supine Plank: 3x:30 each


Thursday, August 19


Tuesday, August 17