Thursday, August 19
Coaches Throwdown 9(ish) AM
Rebuild 5:30PM
Group Fitness Programming:
Warm-Up: (10 min)
3:00 Athlete’s Choice (bike/row/run/jump rope)
5:00 of:
10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 PVC Lifts
Bear Crawl
Backward Crab Walk
10 Scap Push-ups
10 Scap Circles
2:00 Athlete’s Choice Mobility
Gymnastics Strength Day 6
Pull Up:
Toe-spot Strict Pull-Up: 5x6
Chin Over Bar Hold: Accumulate :45
Single Arm Lat Pull Down 3x16 (8R/8L)
Muscle Up:
Top Ring Transition: 3x8
Strict Ring Dips: Accumulate 10 reps
Ring support hold: Accumulate :60
Tabata Assault Bike Calories
8 x :20 on/:10 off
- Go as hard as you can. For 20 seconds. Rest 10 seconds. 8 times. The entire thing takes 4 minutes. You got this.
Alt. EMOM 10
L-sits: Max Effort, not to exceed :20
V-Ups: 8-14, not to exceed :30
Mobility: (5 min)
Shoulders (dead hang, banded pull-aparts, static shoulder)