Tuesday, August 17
Hey everyone, a heads-up that we have dialed in our school-age programs for the new school year! Starting September 1st, we have programs for Pisgah Kids (K-5), Homeschool Wellness and Fitness (MS/HS), and Athletic Performance (MS/HS). Details for each program are now on our Programs and Rates pages, and classes are already in our September calendar. Send us questions anytime. So excited to get kids back in the space and moving! Please share this info with any friends or parents that may be interested. We’re capping each program at 14 students for now.
Added Monday 6:30AM Open Gym back to schedule.
Rebuild at Noon today!
Group Fitness programming:
400m jog, then
2 rounds:
:45 seconds each station
:15 rotate/rest
Air squat/good morning/db strict press/pvc pass through
Push Jerk 3x3
Split Jerk 3x3
Strength: Re-test from July 2
“The Ghost”
6 Rounds, 1:00 each
Row Cal
Double Under
Mobility: (5 min)
Banded Lower Body