Monday, August 16
Couple announcements:
OUTWOD this Saturday (in place of Rebuild and Community WOD). WOD heats begin at 9:30am, run all morning. Potluck brunch/lunch begins 10:30AM. Bring something to share, sit on, drinks, friends, etc.
Tuesday 5:30pm: Ben will be running a small XT group outside while Brooke runs our normal Group Fitness class indoors. Athletes can sign up for either now online. Will be same XT programming as Wednesday AM class, FYI.
Beyond the Whiteboard was down for a bit the other day, but is good to go now. Apologies! If you’re not using this tool, highly recommend and free for our members (use code: PISG191).
Monday Programming:
2:00 Single Unders
4:00 PVC Pass/Good Morning/Scorpion/Starfish
4:00 Scap Push/Scap Pull/Shoulder Circles
1:00 Single Unders
Skill: Double Unders
Strength: Gymnastics Day 5 (of 20)
Pull-Up Program:
Hollow Hold 3x:20
Banded PVC Strict Pull-Ups 3x8
Ring Rows 4x8
Muscle-Up Program:
Banded Seated Ring Muscle-Ups 3x20
Strict Ring Pull-Ups 3x8
Hollow Hold Accumulate :90
3 Power Snatch (135/95)
15 Wallball (20/14)
Foam Roll Posterior (5)