Wednesday, Aug 24

“you can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow.” - Janis Joplin


Clean & Jerk 2-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

Rest as needed between sets.

Athlete Instructions

Sets 1-2: 65-70% 1RM

Sets 3-4: 75-80% 1RM

Sets 5-6: 84-88% 1RM

Sets 7-8: 92-96% 1RM

Sets 9-10: 96%+ 1RM

*Complete sets every 2 mins.

If you’re feeling good, aim for a new Clean & Jerk PR!


3 rounds, each round for time, of:

Run, 400 m

10 Strict Handstand Push-ups

10 Ground-to-Overheads, 135/95 lbs

*Go every 5 mins.

Athlete Instructions

Note times for each of the three sets, and sum your total working time. The goal is to be aggressive and have the lowest total working time.


Thursday, Aug 25


Tuesday, Aug 23