Tuesday, Aug 23
“Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it.” - Sharon Salzberg
Today: Reminder, there is no 5:30pm XT class
Every 2 mins for 10 mins:
6 Tempo Bench Press, pick load @20X1 (suggested target: approx. 65-75% 1RM)
Part 2
Bench Press : 2x Max Rep
Use the same weight for each set.
Athlete Instructions
Drop down and complete at 90% of today's heaviest from A1.
Complete sets every 3 mins.
Every 1 min for 20 mins, alternating between:
20/15 Assault Bike Calories
15 Toes-to-bars (Knee raises or v-ups)
12 Ring Dips
20 Push-ups
Rest 1 min
Athlete Instructions
The idea is to hit these numbers, but you may have to scale these numbers and/or movements to allow yourself some rest time (15 sec or so) before the next minute arrives.
Every 1 min for 20 min, alternating between:
Alternating DB Suitcase Lunges x 16 (NTE :40)
Weighted V-Ups x 10 @ 2111 (NTE :40)
Dips x 6-8 @2111 (NTE :40)
Alt. DB Shoulder Press x 6-8/each @2111 (NTE :40)