Tuesday, May 17

Lauren (Planting Roots Nutrition) - Saturday, May 21 10:20a, after Community WOD
Pisgah 10-Year WOD and Hang - Saturday, June 4 10a-12p

Also, we've been promoting the "Murph" Memorial Day WOD over at Summit CF. This is a great community event. Tons of people. Lots of great energy. Raising funds for an awesome charity (see the flyer on the coffee bar for more info). 

Personally, I enjoy doing Murph each year (slowly, but it gets done), and I love supporting the community and CrossFit, but I may not be looking for a big, rowdy, crowded event. If you want to do Murph at Pisgah, we'll run this WOD at 10am on Monday, May 30. It will be our only class that day and will run like a Community WOD session. You can go individual, full Murph, half Murph, quarter Murphy, partner Murph, Rx/Scaled, etc. We'll lay out some options and anyone can get a workout in. I'm hesitant to compete with Summit because that is a really cool event, but if you want a, well, more Pisgah-type WOD vibe, we'll get our Murph on around 10 that Monday. Hopefully, you can get to one or the other!


Strict Pull-up - Skill A:
Hollow Hold : 1x 60 secs

Hollow Hold 1x 60 secs

Accumulate 60 secs. Today we're revisiting Day 1's 60-second hollow hold piece. Compare today's effort to then. If you broke your 60 secs into several smaller sets, try to go for bigger sets today. Resist the urge to rest completely. If you can, go from a hollow hold to a tuck hold to remain under tension for longer. *Reminder: point your toes, squeeze glutes and quads, keep rib cage tucked (shoulder blades off the ground)

Strict Pull-ups - Skill B:

Banded PVC Lat Press Downs : 4x15

Banded PVC Lat Press Downs 4x15 

4x12-15 reps You're upping the total volume from Day 1's lat press downs. Keep the difficulty the same if this skill piece is already challenging enough. Consider switching to a thicker band for increased resistance. *Remember, your elbows should remain locked out the entire time.

Strict Pull-up - Skill C:

Toe Spot Strict Pull-ups : 5x6

Toe Spot Strict Pull-ups 5x6 
Slightly higher volume than Day 1. That's okay; you're getting stronger! Try using less toe assistance this time around. Compare your performance today with how these felt on Day 1. *Remember, initiate the pull-up with your lats by pressing down on the bar.

Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill A:

Ring Support Hold : 3x 30 secs

Ring Support Hold 3x 30 secs 
This drill builds strength and stability in the shoulders. Keep your eyes forward and maintain a hollow neutral position.

Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill B:

Banded Seated Ring Muscle-ups : 3x Max Rep

Banded Seated Ring Muscle-ups 3x max rep 
No more than 20 reps each set. Compare to days 2 and 5. Look back and see what bands you used. We want this to be challenging but not so difficult that you can't get 10 reps or more each set.

Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill C:

Bottom Push-up Hold : 1x 90 secs

Bottom Push-up Hold 1x 90 secs
Accumulate 1:30 Nothing should be touching the floor other than your toes and hands. Tuck your hips under and squeeze the glutes. Break this up as needed and make sure you are not holding your breath.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:
2 Rope Climb, 15 ft (6 Lowers)
5 DB Bench Press, 50/35
2 Rope Climb, 15 ft
10 DB Bench Press, 50/35
2 Rope Climb, 15 ft
15 DB Bench Press, 50/35
Continue adding 5 DB Bench Press reps each round until time expires.

Every 1:30 for 18 mins, alternating between:
30 Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squats (12-15/each)
Banded Lateral Monster Walk, 1 min
5 Jefferson Curls, pick load @4442
Weighted Plank Hold, 1 min

XT Strength
Back Squat: 3-3-3-3-3

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Every 2:00.

Shoulder Press 5x5 @75-80% 1RM
Tall Box Jumps x5
Flutter Kicks :45
Barbell Good Mornings x 10


Wednesday, May 18


Monday, May 16