Tuesday, June 7
“Anything you say before the word “but” does not count.” - Kevin Kelly
Rebuild option available in each class.
XT Strength (Snatch Focus): 5:30pm
Every 1 min for 15 mins, alternating between:
8 L Arm Dumbbell Rows, pick load
8 R Arm Dumbbell Rows, pick load
Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold, 30 secs
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings, pick load
Ring Support Hold, 30 secs
FT: Rows, 400 m, and Assault Bike Calories
For time:
Row, 1000 m
Run, 400 m
60/40 Assault Bike Calories
Every 75sec x 9 Sets (12mins)
1st - Off Set KB Push Ups 20X0 Tempo; 6-8/arm
2nd – Renegade Rows 2020; 12-16reps
3rd - Tall Kneeling KB Tricep Extension 20X0; 10-15rep RANGE
1) Snatch Pull 3x5
2) Snatch Balance 3x5
3) Every 2 mins for 16 mins: Hang Snatches and Snatches
1x [ 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch ], pick load
Every 2 mins for 16 mins.
4) Back Squat : 10x2 at 70% 1RM
Back Squat 10x2 at 70% 1RM Rest as needed between sets.
Ten sets with 70% of your back squat 1RM gives the opportunity to accumulate some volume with moderate load. Fast out of the hole and carry that speed through the middle of the rep. Stay balanced and brace tight.