Monday, June 6

Wow….what an amazing turnout on Saturday and such a fun celebration. Thanks to all that contributed to the awesome food selection and for being a part of the Pisgah family! Here’s to the next 10 years…

Announcements for the week:

  1. First, we want to thank Coach Dan Hartley for stepping in and helping us with our Monday Noon class for the last few months. That’s been a huge help and I know the community has benefited from his experience and coaching there. His primary work schedule has changed and Coach Mark will be taking that Noon class starting tomorrow. Thanks, Coach Dan!

  2. Hayette received multiple request for her pancake recipe from Saturday, so she’s sent this: Hayette’s Banana Pancakes Recipe

  3. There are three different CrossFit events happening in AVL in July. I’ve pasted descriptions of all 3 at the bottom of this for your information.


Strict Pull-up Day 15/20

Strict Pull-up - Skill A:

Kip Drills : 4x8

Kip Drills 4x8

4x6-8 reps

Slightly higher volume than Day 7.

These should be slow and controlled.

Press down on the bar.

Strict Pull-up - Skill B:

Banded Pull-up Negatives : 10x1

Banded Pull-up Negatives 10x1

Rest as needed between sets.

More negatives. See if you can go even slower on your negative than back on Day 7. Rest as needed between sets so that you can get a solid negative in each time.

Strict Ring Muscle-up Day 15/20

Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill A:

Banded Seated Ring Muscle-ups : 3x Max Rep

Banded Seated Ring Muscle-ups

3x max rep

No more than 20 reps each set. Compare to days 2, 5, and 9. Working through the transition part of the strict ring muscle-up. Keep the arms in close and eyes forward.

Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill B:

Strict Ring Dips : 1x10

Strict Ring Dips 1x10

Accumulate 10 reps.

Focus on your form. Eyes stay forward and make sure the shoulders lower below the elbows. Get a good lock out at the top of each rep.

Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill C:

Bottom Push-up Hold : 1x 90 secs

Bottom Push-up Hold 1x 90 secs

Accumulate 1:30

Nothing should be touching the floor other than your toes and hands. Keep your core engaged and squeeze your glutes.



AMRAP 12 mins: Lateral Parallette Jump Overs, Dumbbell Bench Press, and Dumbbell Farmers Carries

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:

30 Lateral Parallette Jump Overs

12 Dumbbell Bench Press, pick load

Dumbbell Farmers Carry, pick load, 100 m

July Events:

Riley 21 Charity WOD - July 9


We would love to have you all join us for our annual Riley 21 event on July 9, 2022. (Flyer attached)  

I know most of you know our former member Riley tragically gave his life saving many others in the UNC-Charlotte school shooting in 2019.  His family are all still members and we love to celebrate his life with a fundraiser each year.  Registration is open!  We are only asking for donations that go directly to the foundation.  You can go to our website or use the link below.  



Riley Howell Foundation:

Bowen Memorial Charity WOD - July 23

Hey guys,

July is a busy month every year with fitness events and summer break for kids, but we are hoping to see as much of the community as possible this year for Bowen 11 memorial fundraiser. It is important to us that his legacy lives on and we pay tribute to our local heroes while showing his family that the community will never forget his sacrifice.

The cost of the event is $35 which includes a t-shirt and all proceeds will go directly to his family. If you guys have any questions feel free to reach out!

Summit Summer Slam Competition - July 30


We'd like to invite you to our Summit Summer Slam Competition and would really appreciate it if you could share with your members!

RX, Intermediate and Scaled divisions.

2 person same sex teams.

$75 per team until July 1st, $100 per team after July 1st.
Prizes awarded to the top 3 in each category.

Here is the link :


Tuesday, June 7


Sunday, June 5