Sunday, June 5

“The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.”

XT Strength: 9a

We’re excited to pivot our XT Strength program slightly to more of a concentrated focus on Olympic lifting and skill development. Each XT Strength class moving forward will now have a primary goal of moving athletes forward in Olympic weightlifting. We hope you’ll enjoy this change as we seek to progress in this area!


XT Strength


Clean - Test:

Clean : 1 Rep Max

Log your best Clean 1 rep max lift. Only log the heaviest 1 rep, do not include sets prior to it.

If you already know your clean 1RM, skip this test. You'll need to know your max for various percentages throughout the program. If you don't know your clean 1RM, work up to a max today and log your score here. Make note of how things felt and what kind of jumps in weight you made. We'll retest again at the end of the program.

Clean - A:

Clean Lift Off + Clean Pull + Power Clean + Clean : 1-1-1

Clean Lift Off + Clean Pull + Power Clean + Clean 1-1-1 Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

3x(1+1+1+1) 50-60% 1RM Clean

This complex is a deconstructed clean. Each rep builds off the previous movement, culminating in a full clean. Each rep is meant to be a full reset from the floor. The focus is on the quality of the sets done, versus rushing through things by hanging onto the barbell.

Clean - B:

Clean Pull + Clean + Clean Pull + Clean : 1-1-1-1-1

Clean Pull + Clean + Clean Pull + Clean 1-1-1-1-1

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

5x(1+1+1+1) 65% 1RM Clean (or more)

This complex has two cleans. Each is preceded by a clean pull. Use the clean pull to get your positions right for the cleans and focus on extension. Visualize going into a clean on the pulls, the movement should be the same, just abbreviated. Reset at the floor with each rep of the complex.

Clean - C:

Front Squat : 10x2 at 70% 1RM

Front Squat 10x2 at 70% 1RM

Rest as needed between sets.

Front squat strength will be key to increasing overall clean ability. Use 70% of your front squat 1RM. Be fast out of the hole!


Monday, June 6


Saturday, June 4