Tuesday, January 4
Just the warm-up and WOD today!
Rebuild option available in each class as well.
XT Strength: 5:30pm
Every 4 mins for 32 mins, alternating between:
Run, 400 m + 10 Strict Pull-ups + max rep Strict Handstand Push-ups
Run, 400 m + 10 Strict Pull-ups + max rep Ring Dips
Rebuild A
Landmine Lunge Hold Row x 10-14 (5-7/each) @ 3111
Seated DB Z Press x10-14 @ 21X1
Rebuild B
Stationary Dips x 8-12 @2111
Landmine OH Get Up Lunge x12-16
XT Strength:
Push Press 3x5
Overhead Squat 3x5
Squat Snatch
15 min to work to a heavy single
Speed skaters x :30
Weighted Squat Jumps x :30