Monday, January 3

On MLK Day, January 17, we will be doing a River Arts District trash pick-up, beginning at 10:30am. If you’d like to come and help out, we’re planning on just starting at the gym and making a lap around the RAD. Should take about an hour. If you’re coming, bring some gloves. We’re reaching out to RiverLink for help with vests and trash/recycling bags. Stick around for the Noon class that day!

Pisgah Kids restarts on Tuesday, January 11. We have TWO OPEN SLOTS for K-5 students. We have 9 super awesome ninjas in the class, which will now meet on Tue/Thur 3:30-4:30. Contact us if you know of someone that may be interested! 

No Monday Night Skill Session this week. Mark is out of town today.

Pisgah Fitness is looking for help in two areas: Social Media and Merchandising.

For social media, we like daily (or almost daily) posts to our Facebook and Instagram accounts, highlighting athletes and the many positive things going on at the gym each day. We’ve spent approx. an hour a week on this when we’ve been good about consistently getting content up. We’re happy to pay an hourly rate and/or discount a membership for compensation. If interested, reach out to Ben at or 828.772.7115.

Merchandising: We’re looking for someone that’s interested in designing shirts, hoodies, tanks, hats, etc. Our link with Bonfire can handle the printing and ordering/shipping, but we’re just looking for help on design concepts, preferably from someone that knows our space and community well. Again, we can pay by the hour and/or reduce the membership rate for a helper.

January “Battle of the Boxes” Partner WOD event this Friday night at Summit CrossFit! Check Summit’s social media for more info.

PF member Meg Libby is looking to re-home two lab retrievers. If you or someone you know may be interested in bringing one or two dogs into their home, check out the details HERE.

December Committed Club!

  • I included all those 12 sessions and above this month. LOVE seeing some new names at the top of this list!

Jenna Gilman 24

Dr. Hingle McCringleberry 22

Robert Starbuck 21

Lara Brockwell 19

Ann Thomasson 18

Teresa Warstler 17

Jamie Sauer 15

Clint Lasher 14

Jay Moye 14

Meg Libby 14

Phillip Seaward 14

Aaron Ryba 13

Cavan Fitzsimmons 13

David Ferrell 13

Chris Sanford 12

Grant Sanford 12

Lucas Ferry 12

Meghan McAdams 12

Group Fitness Class:


1 Clean & Jerk, pick load

Every 2 mins for 24 mins.

Build to today’s heavy single.


3 rounds for time of:

20/15 Assault Bike Calories

10 Clean & Jerks, 135/95 lbs (20 Alt DB Snatches)

10 Bar Facing Burpees (Burpees)


Tuesday, January 4


Sunday, January 2