Tuesday, February 8

Rebuild option available in all Group Fitness classes today.

XT Strength: 5:30pm

Pisgah Kids: 3:30pm

Strength/Gymnastics Conditioning (all athletes):


EMOM 10 (Alternating), all athletes

ME Unbroken Ring Pull-Ups, not to exceed :30 (:30 Elevated Ring Rows or Toe Spot w/Negatives)

ME Unbroken Ring Dips, not to exceed :30 (:30 Stationary Dips)


Tabata Double Under

Tabata Wallball

Tabata Sit-Ups

Tabata Jumping Lunges

The Tabata interval is 20 secs of work followed by 10 secs of rest for 8 intervals.


Rebuild (in lieu of WOD)

Alt EMOM 16 mins: Split Stance Romanian Deadlifts and Bear Crawl Barbell Roll Outs

Every 1 min for 16 mins, alternating between:

8 L/8 R Split Stance Romanian Deadlifts, pick load @4011

max rep Bear Crawl Barbell Roll Outs, 1 min



Clean Complex 7x3 – E2M - Ascending

Perform 7 sets of 3 reps increasing the weight of each set.

The three positions are working from the top down:
1 – High Hang (Pockets)
2 – Above Knee
3 – The Floor
(Without letting go of the bar, perform a High Hang Clean, Hang Clean & Clean in succession.)

Front Squat 5x5

Sotts Press (Jerk) 4x8

Turkish Getup 1:00 on/1:00 off x 6 (alternate arms/minute)


Alt. SA KB Swing (Russian) 3x20

Hi all, I’m including a message I received from Clean Eatz, a meal-planning service. They’re offering a discount for our members. See below if interested in learning more.


Hope you are doing well and 2022 is off to a great start! The discount code for your members for the month of February will be PF15. This will get them 15% off of their meal plan orders. They can tell us the code when they come in to pay or they can enter the promo code when they order online. Orders can be made Tuesday through Sunday at midnight at the website below and can be picked up Sunday thru Wednesday. Please feel free to give this to anyone you think might be interested in our meal plan services or anyone looking to make a drastic change in their health. Thank you again for this opportunity.



Wednesday, February 9


Monday, February 7