Thursday, October 28

Hi all, so I wanted to share the member survey results with you. When I came back to Pisgah as an owner, I was coming from the non-profit world. In that environment, we worked hard to serve the community but were reliant on grant funding, fundraising, and coordinating with boards and volunteers to make things happen. I wanted Pisgah to be manueverable, fiscally stable, but with the focus of being accessible to all, inclusive, and a positive force in the community. In essence, the idea is to run a for-profit business with non-profit sensibilities.

Part of that is to be transparent and to seek and integrate feedback. The link below shows the results of the member survey. Feel free to look through. A couple notes:

  • I’ve redacted any comments that may be viewed as unfavorable toward certain individuals.

  • I’ve added my own notes following each question and set of member comments.

  • Next steps:

    • I’m working on a strategic plan for the business that builds upon many of these comments and my own notes. The plan is, basically, a roadmap with some specific goals and targets for us over the next couple of years. I’ll share that with you when completed, probably in the next week.

  • Thanks again for the feedback! It’s critical to help us be better than yesterday. Onward.


Rebuild: 5:30pm (Programming below)

Group Fitness Programming:



2 Snatches, pick load

Every 2 mins for 20 mins.

1.1   (rest 5-10 secs between singles)

Approximate loading per set:

55% 1RM

60% 1RM

65% 1RM

70% 1RM

75% 1RM

80% 1RM

80-85% 1RM

85-90% 1RM

90-95% 1RM

95+% 1RM

95+% 1RM




As many reps as possible in 8 mins of: Single Arm Snatch, pick load

Use a kettlebell or dumbbell. Partition the reps between arms however you see fit. The goal is constant movement and rep accumulation for 8 consecutive mins.





Every 1:30 for 18 mins, alternating between:

10 Barbell Power Rows, pick load

12 Strict Pull-ups @21X0 (Ring Rows)

5 Jefferson Curls, pick load @4442

4 Prone Behind-the-Neck Press @4444 (use PVC)



DB Hammer Curls x 10-14

DB Overhead Tricep Extensions x 10-14

Turkish Get-Ups x6 (3R/3L)


Friday, October 29


Wednesday, October 27