Thursday, October 28
Hi all, so I wanted to share the member survey results with you. When I came back to Pisgah as an owner, I was coming from the non-profit world. In that environment, we worked hard to serve the community but were reliant on grant funding, fundraising, and coordinating with boards and volunteers to make things happen. I wanted Pisgah to be manueverable, fiscally stable, but with the focus of being accessible to all, inclusive, and a positive force in the community. In essence, the idea is to run a for-profit business with non-profit sensibilities.
Part of that is to be transparent and to seek and integrate feedback. The link below shows the results of the member survey. Feel free to look through. A couple notes:
I’ve redacted any comments that may be viewed as unfavorable toward certain individuals.
I’ve added my own notes following each question and set of member comments.
Next steps:
I’m working on a strategic plan for the business that builds upon many of these comments and my own notes. The plan is, basically, a roadmap with some specific goals and targets for us over the next couple of years. I’ll share that with you when completed, probably in the next week.
Thanks again for the feedback! It’s critical to help us be better than yesterday. Onward.
Rebuild: 5:30pm (Programming below)
Group Fitness Programming:
2 Snatches, pick load
Every 2 mins for 20 mins.
1.1 (rest 5-10 secs between singles)
Approximate loading per set:
55% 1RM
60% 1RM
65% 1RM
70% 1RM
75% 1RM
80% 1RM
80-85% 1RM
85-90% 1RM
90-95% 1RM
95+% 1RM
95+% 1RM
As many reps as possible in 8 mins of: Single Arm Snatch, pick load
Use a kettlebell or dumbbell. Partition the reps between arms however you see fit. The goal is constant movement and rep accumulation for 8 consecutive mins.
Every 1:30 for 18 mins, alternating between:
10 Barbell Power Rows, pick load
12 Strict Pull-ups @21X0 (Ring Rows)
5 Jefferson Curls, pick load @4442
4 Prone Behind-the-Neck Press @4444 (use PVC)
DB Hammer Curls x 10-14
DB Overhead Tricep Extensions x 10-14
Turkish Get-Ups x6 (3R/3L)