Wednesday, October 27

For those wanting to do the “Battle of the Boxes” event (same sex partner teams, free, Friday night. Nov. 5 @ Beer City CrossFit), they have asked teams to register using THIS LINK. Scaled and Rx divisions. WOD will be announced day of event. I would encourage those interested to participate! This is a casual event that emphasizes bringing the local CrossFit community together. We will be hosting the December event for this series. Should be fun! Also, if you want to participate and need a partner, let us know. We’ll hook you up!

Also, starting NEXT WEEK, the Tue/Thur 6:30am class will move to 6am. We will try this arrangement out for a couple weeks, but this is in response to some survey feedback. Hope this helps some of our morning members out.

Reminder, Foundations course starts next Monday with a Squat Session. We’ll focus on all types of squat (air, back, front, goblet, overhead, etc.). Great for ALL OF US to revisit, not just beginners. Will be instruction, a deep focus on squats, and a short duration WOD at end of class. Come join Coach Mark!

Pisgah Kids: 3:45pm

Group Fitness Programming:




5 Split Stance Behind-the-Neck Press, pick load

Every 1:30 for 3 mins.


2 Pause Split Jerks, pick load

Every 2 mins for 20 mins.

Sets 1-2: 65% 1RM Split jerk

Sets 3-4: 70% 1RM Split jerk

Sets 5-6: 75% 1RM Split jerk

Sets 7-10: 80% 1RM Split jerk

Pause 2 secs in the dip and 2 secs pause in the catch.





3 rounds, 1 min per station, for max reps of:

Assault Bike Calorie

Strict Handstand Push-up (DB Shoulder Press)

Rest 1 min


Rotate immediately to the next station every 1 min, the clock does not stop or reset between stations.



Thursday, October 28


Tuesday, October 26