Thursday, May 19
“As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death.”
― Leonardo da Vinci
“Has Overtourism killed Big Sur?” (Outside Magazine)
Rebuild option available in classes today.
Pisgah Kids: 3:30pm
10-14 Tempo Push-Ups @2111
10-14 KB Cossack Squats (5-7/each) @3111
Windshield Wipers :45
4x RFT, every 6 mins: Row Calories, Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press, and Toes-to-bars
4 rounds, each round for time, of:
24/18 Row Calories
6 L/6 R Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press, 50/35 lbs
12 Toes-to-bars
Go every 6 mins.
Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press- hold non-working arm dumbbell in the front rack
4 RFQ: Incline Press and Single Arm Dumbbell Rows
4 rounds for quality of:
8 Incline Press, pick load @21X1
Rest 45 secs
8 L/8 R Single Arm Dumbbell Rows, pick load @21X1
Rest 45 secs