Friday, May 20
“My soul is in the sky.”
― William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream
“Overtourism: Am I Part of the Problem?” (Outside Magazine)
Strict Pull-up - Skill A:
Active Bar Hang : 3x 35 secs, rest 1 min
Active Bar Hang 3x 35 secs
Rest 1 min between sets.
Compare to Day 2's active bar hangs. You did 30 secs then, and we're adding 5 secs each set today. If you managed unbroken sets then, see if you can do the same with 35 second sets. *Remember, these hangs are just the top portion of your Scap Pull-ups from Day 8. Press down!
Strict Pull-up - Skill B:
Feet Elevated Ring Rows 4x8
4x6-8 reps
Same exact skill piece as the one you did on Day 2. See if they feel any better, or increase the box height for added difficulty. Hip movement is okay as long as the movement is initiated with the press down (not the hips).
Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill A:
False Grip Active Ring Hang : 3x Max Hold
False Grip Active Ring Hang 3x max hold
Look back to days 4 and 7. You may notice you are able to hold a little longer. The false grip should be feeling stronger. Make sure to maintain a hollow neutral position.
Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill B:
Toe Spot Chest-to-ring Pull-ups : 3x8
Toe Spot Chest-to-ring Pull-ups 3x8
This drill will allow for a stronger press down on the rings. Use the legs as needed to assist the pull. Keep the rib cage down and hands in close. Brings the rings to sternum.
Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill C:
Strict Ring Dips 1x15
Accumulate 15 reps.
We are adding 5 more reps to days 3 and 6 but form is still priority. Make sure the shoulders lower below the elbows for every rep. Keep your eyes forward and break up as needed.
In 3 mins, for max reps:
1 Post Run
max reps in remaining time Front Squats, 135/95 lbs
-- Rest 3 mins –
In 3 mins, for max reps:
1 Post Run
max reps in remaining time Front Squats, 115/85 lbs
-- Rest 3 mins –
In 3 mins, for max reps:
1 Post Run
max reps in remaining time Front Squats, 95/65 lbs
-- Rest 3 mins –
In 3 mins, for max reps:
1 Post Run
max reps in remaining time Front Squats, 75/55 lbs