Thursday, March 17

Nutrition Info Session - Saturday, 10:15A

Rebuild option available all day.

Today, we’re combining our Rebuild and Group Fitness into one, longer combined structure. Our Rebuild’ers will be moving slowly and not counting reps with some variations of movement. But…I think we’ll be able to rotate together and have plenty of room. Enjoy!


4 RF-ME / 1 min Stations: Dumbbell Floor Press, Banded Overhead Tricep Extensions, Double Unders, and 2 more

4 rounds, 1 min per station, for max reps of:


Dumbbell Floor Press, pick load

Rest 30 secs

Banded Overhead Tricep Extension

Rest 30 secs

Double Under

Rest 30 secs

Strict Pull-up

Rest 30 secs

Assault Bike Calorie

Rest 30 secs


Rotate immediately to the next station, the clock does not stop.

·       Dumbbell Floor Press- choose a weight that you can move throughout the 1 min

·       Strict Pull-ups- pronated, supinated or mixed


Rebuild Option


4 rounds, 1 min per station, for quality of:


Dumbbell Floor Press, pick load @21X1

Rest 30 secs

Banded Overhead Tricep Extension @20X1

Rest 30 secs

Abmat Situp @2111

Rest 30 secs

Strict Pull-up/Bent Over Row @2111

Rest 30 secs

Jefferson Curl @4442

Rest 30 secs


Friday, March 18


Wednesday, March 16