Thursday, June 30
“If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough.” - Oprah Winfrey
Rebuild option available today.
Strength Focus class with Coach Jacob: 4:30pm (programming below)
Strength 1 (altogether)
10-12 DB IYT’s @2111
15 DB Hammer Curls – Alternating @2111
20 DB Weighted Sit-Up @2111
Strength 2 (altogether)
L-sit/hang :20 on - :40 off
HS Hold :40 (Dbl KB OH Hold :60)
"The Eagle"
8 RFT: Kettlebell Front Squats and Kettlebell Farmers Carries
8 rounds for time of:
8 Kettlebell Front Squats, pick load
Kettlebell Farmers Carry, pick load, 20 m
Athlete Instructions
This is a test and is something that we will come back to. Your goal is to pick the heaviest kettlebells you think you can handle without putting down for the duration of the 8 rounds. You will perform 8 front squats, then immediately drop the kettlebells to your sides and walk 20 meters. You’ll repeat this 8 times – 64 total squats and 160 meters of farmers carry.
Each time the KB’s hit the floor = 10 burpee over box penalty (payable after the WOD). Choose wisely. This is a fast WOD, challenge yourself!
15 Double KB Goblet Squat @3111
Double KB Farmer Carry – 1 building lap
Strength Focus
2-3 rounds
1 arm hang 5-10 seconds
Kettlebell slingshot 3 / 3
Hand stand walking 5-10 seconds