Thursday, June 23

“Problems are only opportunities in work clothes.” - Henry J. Kaiser

Rebuild option available in all group classes today.

Strength Focus: 4:30pm


Pull-Up/Muscle-Up Day 20

Strict Pull-up - Retest:

Strict Pull-ups : Max Set

A single set of Strict Pull-ups for max reps.

Retest day! Give it your best shot and compare to Day 1. Remember: 1) hang from the bar 2) get hollow 3) initiate with the lats 4) don't stop pulling! Compare to how you looked and felt on Day 1. Log 0 reps if you are still unable, but note if you are any closer. *As some bonus work, finish today's session with Skill A, B, and C.

Strict Pull-up - Skill A:

Active Bar Hang : 1x 120 secs

Active Bar Hang 1x 120 secs

Rest as needed between sets.

Accumulate 90-120 secs.

See what you can do. Compare to your very first Active Bar Hang on Day 1.

Strict Pull-up - Skill B:

Hollow Hold : 3x 20 secs, rest 30 secs

Hollow Hold 3x 20 secs

Rest 30 secs between sets.

Compare to your very first hollow hold on Day 1.

Strict Pull-up - Skill C:

Segmented Ring Rows : 3x10

Segmented Ring Rows 3x10

Rest as needed between sets.

3x8-10 reps

Finishing up the program with some segmented ring rows! If you can, increase difficulty from Day 4 by inching your feet forward a bit.

Strict Ring Muscle-up Day 20/20 - Final Session!

Today is your final day! However, this isn't a one-and-done program. Consider completing the program again as many times as needed to accomplish your goal. The Strict Ring Muscle-up in particular is an advanced gymnastic movement. Results will vary based on your ability when starting the program. The important thing to keep in mind is progress. As long as you are better off than when you started the program, you are headed in the right direction. It might take another run through the program before getting your first rep. Fitness is a journey. Enjoy the process.

Strict Ring Muscle-up - Retest Prep:

FQ: False Grip Active Ring Hangs and Ring Lat Press Downs

For quality: False Grip Active Ring Hang, 1 min 10 Ring Lat Press Downs

False Grip Active Ring Hang- accumulate 30 secs-1 min Approach this as further warm-up and prep for our retest today!

Strict Ring Muscle-up - Retest:

Strict Muscle-ups : Max Set

A single set of Strict Muscle-ups for max reps.

Cash in on all your hard work! Log 0 reps if you are still unable to complete a strict ring muscle-up- but remember there are plenty of other places you surely have made improvement. Take note of how the attempt felt, the points in your movement that are stronger, and/or how much closer you were to actually completing a rep. If possible, record yourself and compare to your initial test on day 1.



3x RFT, every 6 mins: Rows, 400 m, and Push-ups

3 rounds, each round for time, of:

Row, 500 m (NTE: 2:00)

Run, 400 m (NTE: 2:00)

25 Push-ups

Go every 6 mins.



Alternate every 1:30 for 18:00

12 Incline DB Bench Press @21X1

R Side Plank :45

12-15 Overhead Tricep Extensions @21X1

L Side Plank :45

Strength Focus

2-3 Rounds

Yang Plank :10

Heavy Quarter Get-Up 1 Rep

Single leg Deadlift 1 rep


Friday, June 24


Wednesday, June 22