Thursday, Aug 4
“Positive thinking is not about being delusional. It's about learning how to take control of internal processing and knowing it'll shape your external environment.”
-Andrew Huberman
4:30 Strength Focus
Rebuild Option All day
Tuesday 12pm is getting removed, so just normal MWF 12:00 classes next week.
Kids Class started 8/30, young kids (4-6 years old) starts on 9/1.
If parents are interested in signing up call, text or email 606-340-7852
20 B Stance Hip Thrusts (10/side) @31X1
3 Tempo Front Squats @31X1
Med Ball Pec Activation 1 min
Athlete Instructions
Rest 1 min after each movement
AMRAP 14 mins: Kettlebell Suitcase Carries, Kettlebell Swings and Box Jumps
KB Suitcase Carry, 100m, 70/53
14 KB Swings 70/53
14 Box Jumps 30/24
Barbell Sumo Deadlift; 2121 Tempo; 4-6reps HEAVY; rest 15sec
Hand Supported Single Leg DB RDL; 20X0 Tempo; 6-8/side; rest 90-120sec
20 Windshield Wipers
Strength Focus
One arm push-up 1-3
One arm lock off 5-10 sec
One leg Deadlift 1-3