Thursday, April 7

“Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn’t change the heart of others– it only changes yours.” ― Shannon Alder

Rebuild option available today.

Pisgah Kids: 3:30pm



8-10 min


Kipping Practice (athletes work on kipping to progress on a rig movement they are seeking to achieve consistency with…toe to bar, pull-up, muscle-up, etc.)


WOD (all athletes)


Mins 1-10 - EMOM x 10mins
1st minute - Wide Grip Bench x 6-8reps
2nd minute - Single Arm Dumbbell Tripod Row x 6-8/arm

Mins 11-20 - EMOM x 10mins
1st minute - Incline Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press x 6-8/arm
2nd minute - Ring Row x 10-12reps

Mins 21-30 - EMOM x 10mins
1st minute - KB Horn Bicep Curl x 12-15reps
2nd minute - Elbow Plank Press Ups x 10-12reps

  • This workout is a 30min continuous format. You will move from one EMOM to the next without any rest between.


Friday, April 8


Wednesday, April 6