Sunday, August 22

Hi all, lots to share today…

  • a great morning at PF with the OUTWOD event. We had a good turnout, weather cooperated, raised some money for a great cause, met some new friends, shared some food, celebrated Gillian’s birthday, and had a great workout. Feel free to head to our Instagram and/or Facebook pages for some pics of the event. I’ll be able to share how much money we raised by tomorrow’s WOD announcement. Thanks to everyone that supported the event!

  • Today, I’m sharing a letter from Coach Brooke.

    My Pisgah fam! 

    Firstly, I must say that I have been truly blessed to have been able to guide each and every one of you, in your fitness journey over these last two amazing years living in Asheville. All of you have been and will continue to be bright lights in my life and an even larger part of my own personal and professional growth. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart for that.

    The time has come for me to accept new opportunities coming my way! Through the experience I’ve gained here at Pisgah, I am able to move on to the next chapter of my professional life. I have recently accepted a significant role at D1 Asheville Training that will hopefully allow me further evolution and growth in my career path of fitness, strength and conditioning. 

    Again, THANK YOU, for allowing me to be apart of each and every one of y’all’s path to optimizing you’re mental and physical, health and wellness . But even more than that, thank you all for being a community, a family that I will never let go of. 

    Goodbyes aren’t real. This is a HARD see you all very soon! And in proper Brooke fashion, I’m going to give you all the Latin “see you” nos vemos mi amores! 

    I love you all! Let us continue to crush some big weights, move well, be intense and SLAY kings and queens. SLAY. #betterthanyesterday

    Coach B


  • (From Ben): Well, we’re disappointed to be losing Brooke, but also excited for her next chapter. She’s given a ton to this community over the past years, more than words here can adequately express. She’s positively impacted so many and forged some relationships that will last forever. We’ll miss her presence, energy, and expertise. I’ve been so impressed to see her grow our Rebuild program and have every intention of continuing it. Thank you, Brooke, for all you’ve given to the Pisgah community. We’ll miss you!


XT Strength 9AM

Open Gym 10AM

XT Strength


Warm-Up: Jog/DROM


Strength A: 

Snatch Pulls 3x5

OHS 3x5


Strength B:

Power Snatch 3x5

Back Squat 3x5



Cosmo Sit-Ups 3x10

Russian Twists 3x20


Mobility/cool-down: (5 min)

  • Static hamstring/groin/hip flexor/shoulder/low and mid-back


Monday, August 23


Saturday, August 21