Monday, August 23
Announcements for the week:
If you haven’t signed up for the daily email from CrossFit HQ, I would highly recommend it. It’s full of short, high-quality instructional videos and articles, inspirational content, updates from the world of functional fitness. Just go to, scroll to the bottom of the page on the right corner and sign up for the “email of the day.” It’s good stuff, and free…just solid, brief, informative content. This article is a good example, discussing pull-up progressions you all are working on with our gymnastics strength cycle.
Thanks for supporting OUTWOD! Altogether, you raised $778 for The Out Foundation! Pretty great, ya’ll.
School-age programs start September 1st! Check our Programs page for more details, but we are offering a K-5 program, a homeschool wellness and fitness class (MS/HS), and an Athletic Performance class (MS/HS) for athletes looking for off-season strength and conditioning work or to supplement in-season training.
I’ve been asked to pass on info about a 5k race downtown benefiting another great non-profit, LEAF (Lake Eden Arts Festival). Race is this coming Saturday, so register ASAP if interested!
Ok, let’s look at Monday’s programming:
Shoulder Warm-Up (Bear Crawls, Pushups, Crab Walk, Pass Throughs, Scap Push/Pull)
3:00 Light Cardio
Athlete Choice
Skill: -
Gymnastics Day 7
Kip Drills 4x5
Pushups 3x ME
False Grip Active Ring Hang 3xME
Toe-Spot Ring MU 3x5
5 Rounds For Time
50 Ft. Walking DB Lunge (35/50)
25 Pull-Ups (Jumping Pull-Ups)