Saturday, September 4
“Stronger Body, Stronger Mind: The connection between exercise and mental health”
Pisgah (Fantasy) Football League: Click THIS LINK to register. All are welcome. Draft is Monday Night 8:00pm!
We have water again! Showers, toilets, water bottle refiller, coffee, all back online. Thanks for being patient as we navigated that one.
Saturday: Rebuild 8:30a, Community WOD 9:30a
Rebuild Programming:
A1. Landmine Zercher Curtsy squat; 3011 x 6/leg x 3 sets
A2. Farmers Press; 20X1; 6-8/arm; rest 50sec x 3 Sets
B1. Banded KB Pull-Over; 2020; 10-12reps; rest 50sec x 3 Sets
B2. Barbell Reverse Curl; 2021; 8-10reps; rest 50sec x 3 Sets
Core: Weighted V-Ups 3x :45on/:30off
Community WOD Programming:
3 person teams
Farmers Carry (dual KB) - 1 building lap - 1 athlete is always on a farmers carry. Teams can alternate athletes on the carry any way they wish. Other 2 athletes are completing rounds of the following, with any split. Only 1 of those 2 athletes will be working at a time.
10 Single Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead
10 Single Arm DB Overhead Squat
3 min Rest
AMRAP 12 - 3 person
Post Run (Alt) - 1 athlete is always on a post run. Teams can alternate athletes on the run any way they wish. Other 2 athletes are completing rounds of the following, with any split. Only 1 of those 2 athletes will be working at a time.
40 Russian Twists
10 KB Goblet Lunge (heavy…make these tough!)