Saturday Sept. 24
“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” - Amy Poehler
15-20 Good Mornings @2111
20 Single Leg Glute Bridges
20 Goblet Lunges
Every 2 mins for 18 mins, alternating between:
4 Turkish Get-Ups (2/side)
KB Side Bends (:30/side)
Weighted Plank, 1:00-1:15
Community WOD
Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 mins of:
25/18 Assault Bike Calories
45 Dumbbell Deadlifts, 50/35 lbs
500m Row
30 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks, 50/35 lbs
2 Post Runs
15 Devil Press, 50/35 lbs
*With a buddy or alone