Saturday, October 30
Save the date! The December “Battle of the Boxes” event will be held at Pisgah Fitness on Friday evening, December 3. We’ll have heats launching from 6-8pm. No sign-ups yet, just letting you know ahead of time. Rx and Scaled. No charge (though we will be accepting donations for our internship program there).
Saturday @ Pisgah:
Rebuild: 8:30a, Community WOD 9:30a
6 Double KB FR Cossack Squat Pause Thruster 3/leg, 2 sec pause at bottom
10 Diagonal Wood Chippers/side @20X0
6-8 Incline Close Grip DB Bench Press @31X1
10-14 DB Seated Arnold Press @ 31X1
10-14 Weighted Glute Bridges @ 3111
10 Pike Ups (using rowers)
Community WOD:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:
12/9 Row Calories
18 Goblet Squats, 24/16 kg
Overhead Plate Hold, 45/25 lbs
Complete in teams of 3.
Teammate 1: Row Calories + Goblet Squats -- then -- Overhead Plate Hold (while next teammate completes the same work). The flow of both portions of this workout (A/B) will be that the working partner will move through the first 2 “active” stations as quickly as possible and when that partner commences the hold, the next teammate may start on the row/bike. At all times 1 teammate will be working, 1 will be holding and 1 will be resting. Rest 8 mins, and when the running clock reaches 20:00 start B…
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:
12/9 Assault Bike Calories
12 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press, 50/35 lbs
Kettlebell Front Rack Hold, 24/16 kg
Complete in teams of 3.
Teammate 1: Assault Bike Calories + Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press -- then -- Kettlebell Front Rack Hold (while next teammate completes the same work) Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press- non-working arm is holding dumbbell in the front racked position while working arm performs push press