Saturday, October 23
A) 3 Sets
1. KB Suitcase Curtsy Squat; 20X0; 8-10/leg, rest 75sec
2. KB Rack Low Switch Cossack Squat; 2121; 5-6/leg; rest 75sec
3. Alternating Lunge Box Jumps; 20-24reps (4-6" box);
Rest 75sec and back to 1
B) 3 sets
8 Gorilla Rows
8 DB Push Ups
12/side Dumbbell Plank Alternating Knees to Elbow
Community WOD:
Teams of 2 – AMRAP 25
Partner A: Row, 500 m
Partner B: Kettlebell Walking Lunge, 100 ft + Kettlebell Hold, pick load
Partner B: Row, 500 m
Partner A: Kettlebell Walking Lunge, 100 ft + Kettlebell Hold, pick load
-- then –
Partner A+B: Run, 400 m
While one partner rows, the other completes the kettlebell walking lunge and holds the kettlebells (overhead, front rack, or farmers carry) for the duration the row.
Tabata Assault Bike/Hollow Hold
Partner A on Assault Bike for max calories (mountain climbers)
Partner B on Hollow Hold
Partner B on Assault Bike for max calories (mountain climbers)
Partner A on Hollow Hold