Saturday, October 2
It’s the weekend. Let’s come together and do some positive and epic stuff this morning…
“Routine is the enemy.”
A) For quality:
21 Sit-ups
1 L/1 R Turkish Get-up, pick load
18 Sit-ups
1 L/1 R Turkish Get-up, pick load
15 Sit-ups
1 L/1 R Turkish Get-up, pick load
12 Sit-ups
1 L/1 R Turkish Get-up, pick load
9 Sit-ups
1 L/1 R Turkish Get-up, pick load
B) 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Single Leg Good Mornings
Kettlebell Russian Twists, 30 secs
10 Alternating Pause Pistols
Community WOD:
W/a partner (any split)
- 1 athlete working, the other resting
- “resting” athletes must accumulate 10 (Rx+: 15) burpees each during each 5:00 interval. If a team finishes their assigned task before the end of a 5:00 interval, they can rest.
Complete a 1000m Row
100 Shoulder to Overhead Reps
100 Box Jump Overs
100 Front Squats
100 medball sit-ups (Rx+: V-ups)
800m Run (each athlete completes a 400m run)
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