Saturday, November 27
"Good for Them" - An essay on healthy competition....(Mountain Tactical)
December Battle of the Boxes partner WOD and social - Next Friday evening, starting at 6pm! We hope you'll come to participate or just come hang out and socialize. If you want to participate with a partner, please complete THIS FORM. If you want to workout and don't have a partner, throw your name on the gym's whiteboard or just let us know. We'll hook you up with someone! This is a SUPER casual event. No judges, just for fun. We're also taking donations for our coaching development program as part of the event and holding a paleo/byob potluck for those that want to eat and/or share some food.
Rebuild: 8:30a
Community WOD: 9:30a
Every 2 mins for 12 mins, alternating between:
12 Alt KB Hang Snatch
6 L/6 R PVC Quadruped Y Raises @1215
Seated DB Hammer Curls; 2020; 8-10reps; Rest 75sec
Lying DB Tricep Extensions; 2020; 8-10reps; Rest 75sec
DB Pull Over; 20X0; 10-14reps; Rest 75sec and back to 1
Hollow Rocks or Hold: 30-60sec unbroken, rest 60-90sec
Ring Plank; 30-60sec unbroken; rest 60-90sec
Community WOD:
2-Person Partner workout
Run, 800 m (together) (Rx+: w/Sandbag or DBall)
-- then –
(Teams split work any way they choose)
50 Burpees
40 Box Jump Overs
30 Pistols (Air Squats)
20 Kettlebell Swings
10 DB Pull Throughs
At 25:00, the AMRAP ends, and teams finish with:
4 Post Runs (alternate reps) (Rx+: w/Sandbag or DBall)