Saturday, Nov 19

“Don’t think about making art, just get it done.” -Andy Warhol

Gym Happenings

No women's only class this Sunday because Coach Kay is running in a spartan race with some other members, who will all crush it! So Rad! 

Thanks Giving Schedule!

Monday & Tuesday- Regular Class Times

Wednesday - NO 5:30am

Thursday - Closed

Friday - 12:00 ONLY

Saturday - Regular Class Times

Happy Holiday Y’all, we are so thankful for each and everyone of you!


3 rounds 

GHD back ext hold :30

Landmine twist 20 

Reverse sled 50’ 

3 rounds 

GHDSU hold :30 

Dball carry 50’ 

Plate slides 5/5 


Run 400m 

50 burpee box jump overs 

Run 400m 

150 ring rows 

Run 400m 

250 air squats 

Run 400m


Monday, Nov 21


Friday, Nov 18