Saturday, March 5

Rebuild 8:30a

Community WOD 9:30a



A) 4 RFQ

  20/20 Standing Founder

  20/20 Low Back Lunge

  20/20 Kneeling Founder


B)    3 RFQ

10   Kneeling Curl to Press

10-14 Kneeling Keg Lift

10x Face Down Back Extension


C)    Plank Series



Community WOD

Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 mins of:

Row, 300/250 m

30 KB Front Rack Lunges, pick load

20 Dumbbell Push Press, pick load

25/15 Assault Bike Calories


Complete in teams of 5 with only 1 teammate allowed per station. Team members must rotate to a new station after they complete a movement. A round “counts” when all 5 team members have completed all 4 movements.


Sunday, March 6


Friday, March 4