Saturday, March 12
Rebuild - 8:30a
Crossbody KB RDL x 8-10 @3111
KB Hollow Body Flutter Kick (Accumulate 1:00)
Front Rack Carry x 100 steps
Front Rack Cossack Squat x 12-16 @3111
Single Arm Incline Row x 12-16 @2111
Wall Sit (Accumulate 1:00)
Community WOD 9:30a
w/ partner (AMRAP 30)
- If your team makes it to the bottom, start working your way back up the ladder.
1000m Row
90 Box Jump Overs
80 KB Swings
70 Burpees
60 Wallballs
50 Plate Overhead Lunges
40 Pushups
30 Sit-Ups
20 DB Pullthroughs
1000m Row