Saturday, June 24

“To find out what one is fitted to do, and to secure an opportunity to do it, is the key to happiness.”

- John Dewey


All with Kettlebells: 

3-5 sets of 3-5 

Bottoms up press 

Single leg deadlift 

Gorilla rows 

Split squats 

4 rounds 

Farmer carries 100’

Crawling 100’ 

Community WOD 

Amrap 8:00 

50 Double unders 

AMRAP Sit-ups 

Rest 2:00 

Armap 8:00 

20/15 cal bike 

Amrap KB swings 

Rest 2:00

Amrap 8:00 

20/15 cal row 

Amrap burpees 

Rest 2:00

*with a buddy, both people working at a time. Score is total amount of the second exercise in each AMRAP. 


Monday, June 26


Friday, June 23