Saturday, July 30
“It is a fault to wish to be understood before we have made ourselves clear to ourselves.”
— Simone Weil
Rebuild 8:30
Community WOD 9:30
Up Coming:
Pisgah Fitness at Asheville Tourists Game Friday, August 12
20/20 Standing Founder
20/20 Low Back Lunge
20/20 Kneeling Founder
20 4-count Flutter Kicks
DB Kneeling Half Moon x 20 @2111
DB Skull Crusher x 20 @2111
Chipper: 800 m, Assault Bike Calories, Double Kettlebell Deadlifts, and 4 more
For time:
Run, 800 m
40/30 Assault Bike Calories
40 Double Kettlebell Deadlifts, 24/16 kg
40 Dumbbell Walking Lunges, 24/16 kg
40 Double Kettlebell Deadlifts, 24/16 kg
40/30 Assault Bike Calories
Run, 800 m
Athlete Instructions
Dumbbell Walking Lunges- farmer carry