Saturday, August 14
Good luck Olivia Hennon!! Best wishes at Univ. of Miami!!
Rebuild: 8:30AM
Community WOD:
buy-in: 800m run (teams run together, one athlete holding plate (rx) or medball (scaled) during run at all times, switch weight between partners whenever you want)
Then, 2 rounds of:
25 burpees
25 plate ground to overhead
25 air squats (rx+: pistols)
25 kb swings
2 min plank hold
Cash out: 800m run w/plate or medball
During middle portion: any split, but one athlete holding weight (plate or medball) overhead while other works. If plate/medball touches ground, both athletes have a 10 burpee penalty. Teams will need a separate plate for the ground to overhead portion (one for ground to overhead, one for holding overhead).
Foam Roll