Saturday, Aug 10

“Never let fear determine who you are. Never let where you’re from determine where you’re going.” -Constantine “Cus” D’amato


Every 1:30 for 18 mins, alternating between:

20 Prone Lying Banded Hamstring Curls @1010

10 Barbell Roll-Outs @3010

Superman Punch, 1 min


Every 2 mins for 18 mins, alternating between:

15 Glute Bridge, pick load

8 L/8 R Single Arm Kettlebell Rows, pick load @21X0

Side Plank, L 45 secs/R 45 secs


Community WOD

At 0:00, begin:

1 mile odd object relay (partners) or 1 mile odd object run (individual)

  • Partners will take turns running building laps or 400m runs, handing off an odd object (medball, dball, sandbag, bumper plate, kb, etc.). One partner runs with the object while the other rests.

  • If you finish before the 10:00 clock, you can rest before part B.

At the 10:00 mark:


20 Front Squat

20 Shoulder-to-Overhead

40 Sit-ups

One partner working at a time, the barbell is not allowed to touch the ground. One partner will need to actively hold the barbell while the other completes sit-ups. Any time the barbell hits the ground, teams must stop and complete 20 synchronized burpees before resuming the workout. 

Individuals are allowed to drop the bar for their sit-ups!

At the 20:00 mark:

Odd object post run relay

  • Teams must complete 6 post runs with their odd object, alternating trips. Each athlete will make 3 post runs. Each post run should start from the building.


Monday, Sept 12


Friday, Aug 9