Saturday, April 9

“Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape. ” ― William S. Burroughs

Rebuild 8:30a, Community WOD 9:30a


Alt EMOM 18 mins: Barbell Hip Thrusts, Band Pull Aparts, and L-Sits

Every 2 mins for 18 mins, alternating between:

6 Barbell Hip Thrusts, pick load @21X1

30 Band Pull Aparts @1010

L-Sit, 1 min – accumulate as many seconds of a hold as possible in 1:00

Alt EMOM 18 mins: Sandbag Squats, Single Arm Dumbbell Rows, and Tall Box Jumps

Every 2 mins for 18 mins, alternating between:

10 Sandbag or KB Front Squats, pick load @3111

8 L/8 R Single Arm Dumbbell Rows, pick load @2111

10 Tall Box Jumps

The height of box you use doesn’t matter, focus should be on jumping as high as possible and landing as soft as possible. Step down off the box, reset and repeat- it should take about 55-60 secs to complete your 10 reps if done properly.

Community WOD

Against a 30 minute clock
Alternating rounds with a partner


15/12 Calorie Row
15 KB Swing


12 /10 Calorie Row
12 Single Arm KB Thrusters (6ea.)


9/8 Calorie Row
30 Double Under (50 su)

**every 5 minutes including 0:00 partners perform 15 synchro burpees before continuing where they left off


Sunday, April 10


Friday, April 8